[net.garden] drowning moles

jackg (03/24/83)

Re drowning moles and burrowing animals with a hose in their tunnel:
I tried that a few times and probably ran 1000 gallons of water down
the tunnel without it ever filling up (this was on level ground too).
I don't know where the water went and I do know that the moles didn't
leave or get drowned.  Any explanation?

  Jack Gjovaag
  Tek Labs

kar (04/02/83)

Re: failure to drown moles

	I'm not so sure about mole holes, but I've tried filling woodchuck 
holes with water to (ahem) flush them out and it never worked.  Upon reading 
your note, I thought about it for the first time and have reached the following

	A woodchuck (or gopher, squirrel, etc.) hole goes quite a ways into
the ground, and counting the "back door", probably has 100 square feet of sur-
face area.  (Certainly mole holes are smaller; that's why I say I don't know
about them above.)  Unless you can pour in water faster than it can be absorbed
by 100 sq. ft. of earth, you will obviously make little progress.  This is cer-
tainly the case with my expeditions, on which I was armed with a 5/8 inch gar-
den hose.  I suspect you'd need a fire hose to make it work.

	My brother-in-law suggests backing your car up to the hole and connec-
ting a hose to the exhaust pipe, the other end of which is stuffed several feet
down the hole.  One then seals the hole with a plug of dirt, and starts the
car.  The best part is the next step:  pour a little chain saw oil into the
carbureator so the exhaust is smoky.  This will tell you where the "back door"
is (as the smoke wafts out), and that is where you wait with your shotgun.

	Regarding the moles:  perhaps the little devils can hold their breaths,
or, more likely, have retreated to high ground elsewhere in their tunnels,
out of the path of your raging torrent.

mark (04/06/83)

An observation about drowning moles:

Presumably it rains where you live every so often.  A good rain will saturate
the ground and sometimes even cause flooding in patches.  I expect it will
fill up a randomly constructed mole or woodchuck tunnel system.  Yet the
moles and woodchucks survive this quite handily in nature.  So I doubt pouring
water from your hose down the tunnel will kill them off.

I would guess that drainage is something these animals take into account
when they dig their holes.