johns@hp-pcd.UUCP (11/24/83)
#N:hp-cvd:17800003:000:1156 hp-cvd!johns Nov 22 20:17:00 1983 Tilth Winter Conference Extending the Growing Season January 28 ---- LaSalle Center on the OSU campus (Corvallis Oregon) Tilth is an organization of organic farmers and gardeners in the Northwest. They sponsor two to three conferences a year. This years conference is about extending the growing season. There will be four speakers. The cost will be $5.00 for Tilth members and $7.00 for Non Tilth members. (Memberships are $10.00 and will be sold at the door) Schedule 8:30 Building Opens 9:30 Binda Colebrook -- Winter gardening in the Maritime NW 10:30 Del Hemphill -- Brassicas under cover (Broccolli plastics) 11:30 Lunch and displays 1:30 Seta Ananda -- Tray sprouting of baby greens 2:30 Rajneesh rep. -- Problems with community green houses 3:30 Open discussion with the speakers Displays Full Moon Products -- Metal Halide lights and Hydroponics Teritorial Seed Co. -- Seeds for the Northwest climate Commercial Suppliers of appropriate tech. (clothes,plastics,etc) Book Display. If you have questions mail me at hplabs!hp-pcd!johns or phone me at 503-929-6278 (after 6:00pm) john sechrest