mrh@aluxz.UUCP (HUDOCK) (04/27/84)
My house is located an area of western nj near the del river. I have a wooded and the lots around me re also wooded. Since early spring I've been plagued with these black little gnats. They come through the screen on my sliding doors, and are all over the house. Any ideas on how to get rid of the little varmits? M.Hudock Att Bell Labs ALC
wetcw@pyuxa.UUCP (T C Wheeler) (04/30/84)
[] Sounds like you got Black Flies swarming. The only way to get rid of them is to go out and paint something white. The little buggers will land on the wet paint every time. (Just jesting, but that is what happens every time I paint at this time of year.)