[net.garden] Gophers and Lilacs

slb@drutx.UUCP (Sue Brezden) (05/10/85)

On lilacs:

Come to Colorado--the lilacs here are beautiful this year.
Probably because we had a very mild winter.

On gophers:

I remember my father had a gopher trap.  It had long tong
things which were released when the gopher burrow reached
it.  Stabbed the little sucker.  I always hated it--I am
too squeemish to squash bugs myself.  But you might try
to find one of those.

                                     Sue Brezden
Real World: Room 1B17                Net World: ihnp4!drutx!slb
            AT&T Information Systems
            11900 North Pecos
            Westminster, Co. 80234

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