bill@utastro.UUCP (William H. Jefferys) (07/15/85)
I am trying to locate seeds for *vining* varieties of summer squash (in contrast to the *bush* varieties that seem to be all I can find). I want to grow them vertically. Can anyone recommend (1) Varieties of vining squash (yellow or zucchini) (2) Seed companies from which they can be obtained? (Please include address/telephone number if known.) Thanks for any suggestions. -- "Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal Bill Jefferys 8-% Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712 (USnail) {allegra,ihnp4}!{ut-sally,noao}!utastro!bill (uucp) bill%utastro.UTEXAS@ut-sally.ARPA (ARPANET)