[net.garden] PORTULACA

alanurm@tonto.DEC (Sustaining Engineering at CSS_NSG) (07/25/85)

re: how to grow Portuluca (sp?)

	Well, up here in Cowhampshire I just put them into a 2-gallon
plastic pot, set them on my stone wall, and ignored them. 
They really flower like crazy during dry spells. I think that they don't 
like being in the ground, over-watered, or over-fertilized. I just used the 
original potting soil they came in, and I put all all of one flat into the 
container. Said plastic container has good drainage because I put a couple of 
inches of crushed rock in the bottom, then the soil, then the plants.
	I really don't have any set method for any plants I have. My attitude
is that if I can safely plant it and then give it minimal care, and it thrives,
it is a desirable addition. If it dies, then in effect I have set it free and
I'll wait and see if it comes back. I have been surprised at what has come
back year after year.... Mums, brown-eyed susans, day-lilies, lily-of-the-valley,

Len Alanurm
DEC - N.H.