leimkuhl@uiucdcsb.UUCP (11/20/84)
Isn't Mt Washingtoin n in in New England Hampshire 6 ,or 7% for 5 7% for 6 miles? They have a gruelling hill climb there each year in usually very nasty weather.
harris@uiucdcsb.UUCP (11/21/84)
Its steeper than that: 12% for 8 miles (avg), with sections at 18%. It climbs 4700 feet in about 8 miles. The race is held once a year, usually; sometime around early September, I gather. Bicycling had an article on it in the Sept/Oct '83 issue. The fastest time for the course (as of the date of the article) was 57:41, set by Dale Stetina.