[net.bicycle] RAAM update:@ 8:15pm July 25th

blanken@uiucdcsp.Uiuc.ARPA (07/26/85)

Ok, here's the latest on RAAM...

Rider #3, Lon Haldeman, is out of the race. He's been battling the flu
for five days. On the advice of a physician, Haldeman pulled himself from
the race.

Rider #23, the hit and run victim, came out of surgery...doctors have no 
prognosis yet...

The rest of the field is still moving and here are the standings...

In the mens division as of 5:15pm, July 25th 1985 at checkpoint #437...
on the western side of Arkansas:

1. Michael Secrest (10) 
2. Johnathan Boyer (6)-21 miles back
3. Michael Shermer (4)-86 miles back
17. Rider #50(I can't find his name right now)-497 miles back

For the womens division as of 7:00pm, July 25th 1985 at checkpoint #390...
still in Oklahoma:

1. Shelby-Hayden Clifton(31) 4th place overall-167 miles back from race leader
2. Susan Notorangelo(7)-43 miles back of Clifton
3. Elaine Mariolle(32)-86 miles back of Clifton 
For now, that's all the information we have on RAAM...