[net.bicycle] Fear & Loathing on the Highways and Movin' On...

kjchapman@wateng.UUCP (Kevin J. Chapman) (09/20/85)

	Having completed the requirements for my silly Master's thing,
   I now feel compelled to enter the un-real world and get a job.
	An unfortunate consequence of having chosen the job I did is
   that I will no longer have access to Usenet.  While that has its
   advantages, one drawback is that I'll no longer be able to enjoy
   the discussions on this newsgroup, which must rank among the least
   cantankerous on the net.
	Thanks to those who gave me advice.  I hope I was able to help
   those whom I advised.
	I'll be here for another week yet, so I will post any updates
   on the Calgary bike incident that I see during that time.  There is
   a fair bit of interest in this story, as I've received about five or
   six requests to carry on, so perhaps some person with access to Canuck
   newspapers can keep the net abreast of developments.
	I was going to add something here on the subject of Bicycling
   magazine (which seems to spend too much time gazing at the collective
   Yankee navel) but, as I said, I'm finished, so I'm gonna bike home
   and get mildly loaded...

                          Kevin Chapman
                          Computer Communications Networks Group
                          Waterversity of Uniloo
                          'Loo, Ont., Canada