[net.bicycle] Being seen at night

toddv@copper (10/15/85)

In Missouri, I commuted to my job 4 days a week on a bicycle.  I worked the 
midnight to eight shift.  I became interested in being seen.  Some of the
items I currently use are:

1.  I place my belt beacon on the back of my Bell helmet.  There is a little
    bit of orange strap to hook it on sticking through the helmet on my model.
    This raises the light considerably for more visibility, and it has the
    advantage that it never flashes in my eyes.
2.  I have one of those reflective flags mounted on a spring attached to the
    left side of my back stays.  (It's up near my leg, not down by the
    wheel -- I always have trouble with the names of bike parts).   The motion
    attracts attention.
3.  I bought some 3M white reflective tape and used it to pin strip my helmet
    around the base.  It blends right in in the daytime.  I also have some pin
    striping on my frame with red tape.  I even pin striped my fenders.
4.  I have two stripes of yellow reflective tape around each of my three water
5.  I have several reflective stripes around my Zefel pump.
6.  I have a headlight that stays on when I stop, a tail light, an arm light,
    and a leg light.
7.  I wear a reflective vest.  I bought one of the kinds with the silver
    reflective stripes, and I sewed bright yellow reflective stripes on to it.
    The yellow stripes show up well in the daytime as well as the night.
    Recently I bought a 3M vest that is entirely constructed of 3M reflective
    material for use on my motorcycle.  My wife says it looks like a huge light
    when she follows me in the car.  These are spendy ($40) but worth every
8.  Of course, I have the usual reflectors front and back, on the pedals, and
    even the kind that go on my wheels (which make them "hop" at high speeds).
9.  I have reflective dots on my shoes and brake lever supports,
    my seat post is wrapped with white reflective tape, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

I decided to submit this to the net in case I had ideas others had missed.

                       Make those cars run you down on purpose,  :-)

                                          Todd Vierheller