scb@philabs.UUCP (Sean Byrne) (02/27/85)
Does any know for sure what is the status of Fender? I have heard: a) that they have gone out of business. b) they they have been bought up by someone else. If so, are we going to see a change as radical as the pre-CBS Fenders vs. the Fenders of today? Does anyone know the name of this company. (if is is some japanese company, then we are in trouble. I have seen the "Squire" Strats (Squire is Fender made in Japan) and they are real garbage compared to a "real" Strat.) Also, anyone have a Schecter? They supposedly made Strats and Tele's better than Fender itself! There's a store on 48th St. in NYC called Rudy's that sells them, if anyone cares to check them out. How bout a, as opposed to this "The Fender Strat -- often copied, never bettered." --Stuart Adamson -- USENET- .... Sean Byrne 5 years . /\ . CSRG, Philips Laboratories of anarchy . / \ . Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 freedom . / \ . (914) 945-6236 and ---/------\--- chaos. /. .\ UUCP: {allegra,decvax,ihnp4}!philabs!scb / . . . \ EUNET: {prlb2,mcvax,phlash}!philabs!scb