[can.jobs] job vacancy at Simon Fraser University

stella@fornax.UUCP (Stella Atkins) (07/01/88)

								Job Vacancy

     The Distributed Systems Group (DSG) in  the  School  of
Computing  Science at Simon Fraser University has an immedi-
ate  opening  for an experienced  Distributed  Systems  Pro-
grammer. The facilities include 10 SUN-2  workstations and a
DEC MicroVAX-II connected by  an  Ethernet,  and  access  to
several   SUN-3   workstations  connected  by  the  School's
research Ethernet.  The software is the experimental distri-
buted  V-kernel  from Stanford University, as well as C/UNIX
and the distributed programming language SR.  More equipment
is  being  considered.   The  DSG  is  composed of 4 Faculty
members, and several MSc and PhD students.

     The successful candidate will be expected  to  maintain
the  Group's  software,  develop  applications programs from
distributed algorithms, and develop new software tools for a
distributed environment.

     The position is available for 12 months initially,  with
the  strong  potential  for longer-term appointment.  Salary
will be commensurate with experience.

     The successful candiate will have:

      A minimum of a B.Sc.,and preferably a MSc, in  Comput-
     ing  Science, or related discipline with a strong back-
     ground in Computing Science.

     Proficiency  in  at  least  three  of   the   following
     categories:  operating   systems software, distributing
     computing   concepts,  data  base  concepts,   software
     engineering methodologies and programming languages.

     A minimum of two years systems and application program-
     ming  experience   in   a C/UNIX environment preferably
     in  a   distributed  computing   environment  with  SUN
     Microsystem and DEC equipment.

     Excellent  written and  oral  communications skills.

     Ability to cope effectively with  unexpected   problems
     or events,   prioritize  his/her  activities  and  work
     with minimal supervision.

     Ability to work effectively in  a   group   environment
     and participate in group planning and technical discus-

     The deadline of application for this position  is  July
29,  1988.    Please   send  your  resume,  3 references and
salary expectation to:

Dr. Woshun Luk/ Dr. Stella Atkins,
  School of Computing Science,
        Simon Fraser University,
        Burnaby, B.C.
        V5A 1S6

Email: stella@cmpt.sfu.cdn