spence@psych.toronto.edu (Ian Spence) (09/29/89)
The Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, is looking for a programmer/analyst. The contract will initially be for six months (November 1, 1989 to 30 April, 1990) but it is hoped and expected that this will be a permanent position. The Department's Ethernet is based on a Sun 3/280S server and other Suns are also on our network. In addition, approximately 100 MS-DOS machines are connected to the network via PC-NFS or BW-NFS. In turn, our network is connected to the University General Purpose Backbone which allows access to other machines on campus, and to the outside world. Duties involve installing, running, and maintaining software on this network. Considerable interaction with users is required and since many of our users are not computer experts good interpersonal skills are important. A good knowledge of Unix system administration is essential as is a good knowledge of MS-DOS. Expert knowledge of C is highly desirable, and a knowledge of FORTRAN, Pascal, and BASIC would be an asset. Experience with networks and some knowledge of NFS/PC-NFS/BW- NFS is highly desirable. Salary will depend on experience but will be on the Application Programmer/Analyst 2 or 3 scale (starting approx. $29K to $40K p.a.) Applications (with resume and names of two potential referees) to: Dr. Ian Spence spence@psych.utoronto.ca Department of Psychology SPENCE@UTORVM University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5A 1A1 (416) 978-7623