[net.micro.16k] LMC Compared

beaucham@uiucuxc.UUCP (09/13/84)

uiucuxc!beaucham    Sep  6 23:25:00 1984

Several people have asked me to post my comparisons of several computers
including the LMC, a 32016 (16032?) machine.  We decided on the LMC basically
because it is relatively cheap ($20k*), has a floating point chip, runs Unix
multiuser with 16 Mbyte virtual memory (large programs can at least run on it),
has a very decent package based on a 15 slot Multibus, and has a 25% educationaldiscount.  The benchmarks for anything but floating-point intensive jobs don't
look so good, but the hardware is quite advanced, and if the upgrades and
software can catch up, the LMC should be quite competitive.  For our purposes,
floating-point on a low budget (we're in a music school and want to generate
music waveform samples using software) within a multiuser environment was the
overriding concern.                 *no discount

Below are my comparisons (the prices are with educational discounts) and 
benchmarks on several programs.  If you would like copies of the programs, I
can try to send them to you upon request.

		Jim Beauchamp  uiucdcs!uiucuxc!beaucham
                               (217) 344-3307

               (tot MB  DISK DISK      PRTS  SYS   bench-       REP
               sl.) (mx)(typ)                      marks
 LMC   16k on  Mult 0.5  42M  1M   9T   8    Unix  49/ 64/   1  yes  14.9
           bd. (15) (16)(506)(5")  NI        7/4.1 52  107   yr.
 Dual  68k SKY S100 0.5  80M  1M   9T   8    Unix  20/ 24/   1  yes  16.5
 83/80     NI  (20) (3) (SMD)(8")  NI  (DMA) 7/4.1 625 200   yr.
 I.S.  680 SKY  Q   .75  65M  NI  75M  10    Unix  8/  ?/    90 yes  15.4
 5/10  10  NI  (8)      (506)     strm (buf) 4.2   376 ?     day
 Cyb   68k SKY Mult 0.5  54M  1M   9T  10    Unix  ?/  ?/    ?  no   16.2
 WM3       NI  (15) (16)(506)(5")  NI          V   ?   ?
 Cdmus 680 16k  Q   1.0  65M  NI  32M   8    Unix  ?/  ?/    ?  yes  20.2
 9730  10  NI  (?)       (?)      strm         V   ?   ?
 ACS   11/ on   Q   .25  10M .8M   ?    ?    RSX   NA  ?/    30  no  15.9
 11/MS  23 bd. (?)  (?)  (?)  x2  strm       11M+      ?     day
 PDP11 11/ off Uni  .5  460M  NI   NI   8    Unix  59/ NI    no  NWU 24.0
 used  34  bd. (+6)     (SMD)          2 //   7    47
 Models:  LMC    = The Logical MicroComputer Co.
          Dual   = Dual Systems Corp.
          I.S.   = Integrated Solutions Inc.
          Cyb    = Cyb Systems Inc.
          Cadmus = Cadmus Computer Systems Inc.
          ACS   =  Advanced Computer Sustems Inc.
          PDP11 =  Digital Equipment Corp. (used computer from NWU)
          CPU = microprocessor chip used
                most common is Motorola 68000 or 68010 (virtual memory)
                which is mostly a 32 bit chip.  LMC uses National 16032
                chip, internally a complete 32 bit chip.  ACS uses
                the 16-bit LSI 11/23 chip which is compatible
                with Digital Equipment Corp's line of PDP 11 computers.
          FPU = type of floating point unit
                most common is the SKY Computers Fast Floating Point
                board which takes up at least one slot (depending on
                the bus).  LMC uses the 16081 FPU chip on its CPU
                board.  Cadmus uses the 16081 on a separate board.
                ACS supplies an FPU chip for the LSI/23 as an option
                for $170.  NI means not including in the system price.
          BUS = type of system bus used for system boards
                and interface boards
                all buses listed are 16-bit buses.
          tot. sl. = total no. of bus slots in system package.
          RAM = actual random access memory in megabytes
                first no. is for initial system; no. in () is the
                max. MB to which the system can expand.
          HARD DISK = Winchester hard disk, usually not removable.
                      Megabytes of storage are given.
                typ = type of hard disk control.
                       506 is ST506 type which has 30 ms. ave. access
                                                   0.6 MB/sec transfer
                       SMD                     has 25 ms. ave. access
                                                   1.2 MB/sec transfer
          FLOP DISK = floppy disk unit which is used for hard disk
                       back up and dissemination of software.
                       Megabytes of storage and disk size are given.
          TAPE = streaming (open reel(1/2") or cartridge(1/4")) are
                 available on most systems for faster backup of
                 hard disks.  if standard, MB of storage are given.
                 NI means not included in system price.
          SER. PRTS = no. of RS-232 serial ports included in system
                      are given.  this limits the no. of terminals,
                      printers, plotters, and modems that can be
                      connected to the time-sharing system.
          OP. SYS = Operating system used (usually a version of AT&T's
                    Unix).  7/4.1 means AT&T version 7 port with Berkeley
                    4.1 enhancements.  V means AT&T System V.  4.2
                    is the "pure" 4.2 Berkeley version of Unix.
                    RSX-11M+ is a non-Unix multiuser/multitasking "real
                    time" system supplied by Digital Equipment Corp.
          C    F77
          benchmarks = the no. of seconds it takes to compile/run
                       one of two benchmark programs.  fmsample.c is
                       used for the language C and miller.f is used for
                       the language F77 (Fortran 77).
          WAR = length of warranty on system package
          CHI REP = Is there a Chicago representative for the system?
          K$ = price of system in thousands of dollars.
 Table 2.  *****BENCHMARK COMPARISONS*****
  COMPUTER      LMC     DUAL 83/30 I.S. 5/10  IBMCS9000  PDP11/34   VAX 11/780
  fpu?          yes        no         no         no         yes        no
  PROGRAM    comp\exec  comp\exec  comp\exec  comp\exec  comp\exec   comp\exec
 hello.c     28.2\ -     8.7\ -     3.8\ -     3.4\.064  25.2\ -      2.2\ -
 fmsample.c  48.5\51.6  19.8\625.   7.9\376.   8.6\180.  59.2\46.9    5.2\13.6
 whetstone.c 80.2\ 3.0  35.1\24.8    - \ -    14.2\10.0  48.9\ 2.2    8.5\ 1.3
 miller.f    64.4\107.  24.4\200.    - \ -     -  \ -      - \ -      6.0\37.4
 tesfft.f    109.\ 7.4  27.4\ 2.4    - \ -     -  \ -      - \ -     14.8\0.6
 sieve.f     68.1\ 4.2  19.5\ 1.0    - \ -     -  \ -      - \ -      7.1\0.5
 tesoct.f    72.6\ 9.2  26.7\ 4.3    - \ -     -  \ -      - \ -     11.4\1.1

                         figures given in seconds