[net.micro.16k] difinicon board

andy@sdcarl.UUCP (Andrew Voelkel) (11/01/85)

Forigive me if a similiar posting has already been made, I'm way behind reading

	I have been very excited lately about the Difinicon 32032 board for the
ibm pc. It looks like a great deal, but what is most exciting is the System V
demand paged unix that is supposedly going into Beta any time now. Has anyone
had any experience with this board? There have been articles about it in BYTE
lately if anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about. If anyone answers, would
you reply by mail as well as posting since I don't read the newsgroups as
regularly as I should? Thanks in advance

	Andrew Voelkel

doon@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Harry W. Reed) (11/05/85)

I have a friend who recently purchased the Definican DSI-32 for his AT.  And 
being his only "system programmer", here are my impressions of the card.

1.)	It's cute! A 32000 along with 2Mbytes of memory. The card has grat 

2.)	The software supplied with the card is quite minimal. For the price
	of the card you receive a 32000 assembler and public domain versions
	of lisp and forth. I haven't played with the lisp/forth yet but, it
	is slightly a pain to create and run 32000 assembly language programs.
	The difficulty being that they give you very little documentation on
	the boards hooks into MS-DOS, so making the board do something useful
	can take quite a bit of "playing around" to see what works. They
	also do not give you any type of librarian to consturct you're own
	function libraries! (But what do I expect for $3500 anyway??) so this
	is another sore point.

3.)	All in all without UNIX, I think, that the card is pretty much useless.
	Sure, it can run assembly language programs fatster than you can bat an 
	eye, but there's just not much that you can do with it. Definicon is
	promising UNIX shortly. It is my opinion that the card will only really
	do well in a UNIX enviromment. Lets hope that it comes out soon.

Any opions here are solely the result of line noise etc. etc ...

steve@wlbr.UUCP (Steve Childress) (11/07/85)

If you want a 32016 add-on board for a PC with Sys V, look at
the Opus board. (Opus is in the San Jose area). We like 'em.

			Steve Childress
			Eaton IMS    R&D Group MS 43 
			31717 La Tienda Drive
			Westlake Village,  CA    91360
			(818) 889-2211 X2148
			{trwrb, scgvaxd, ihnp4, voder, vortex} !wlbr!steve
		        or	 		        ...wlbr!wlbreng1!steve