[net.analog] Need info on magnetic Kerr effect - Longish reply

hull@hao.UUCP (Howard Hull) (11/29/84)

> I tried this a few weeks ago, no response...how about you physics types.
> My understanding is that it rotates the angle of polarization of reflected
> light.
> 	Thanks	../Dave
> -- 
Your perception is exactly correct.  Shine monochromatic linear polarized
light directly on the pole of an iron electromagnet with a polished end, and
use an analyzer to extinguish the reflected light.  Turn off the electromagnet
and the polarization of the reflected light immediately changes to allow it to
pass through the analyzer.  The effect takes place within 0.050 wavelengths of
the surface and is a magneto-optical effect.  Supplemental and other reference
information follows:

Interaction between light, atomic or molecular mass and charge, and applied
electric and/or magnetic fields produces transformations on the polarization of
the incident beam that may be analyzed in the reflected or transmitted beams.
The distribution of electric fields and magnetic dipole moment in atoms or
molecules resulting from quantum atomic properties, or, in the case of large
molecules, from spiral or crystalline structure are responsible for response
of the medium to light and/or externally applied magnetic fields.

Remember that a linearly polarized beam can be resolved into two opposite
circularly polarized beams, and that a circularly polarized beam may be
resolved into two orthagonal (w.r.t. to E or H vector) linear beams, one of
which is time-phase retarded by 90 degrees with respect to the other.

Longitudinal field effects are rooted in differential light propagation speeds
for two orthagonally referenced incident beams (one orientation has to move
some electrons around and thus slows down while the other doesn't). Transverse
field effects are rooted in differential absorbtion (one orientation loses
energy to electrons by exciting them to thermal valence level or coherent
radio or light emission levels, the other doesn't).

Birefringence is the property of differential light propagation velocity, and
Dichroism is the property of differential absorbtion.  The property of Optical
Activity is one of having different propagation velocity or absorbtion for two
opposite incident circular polarizations.  Molecules with spiral structure
(i.e. sugar) are capable of this sort of influence on the incident beam.
Optical Activity may either be inherent with the atomic or molecular structure,
or it may be induced while an electric field is applied, or while and after
a magnetic field is applied.

Various of the above properties can be observed in some cases for white light,
but they are more usually observed at specific wavelengths for metallic or
organic liquid or vapor.  Birefringence and Dichroism are more common excited
or unexcited properties for solids, although liquids or gasses may exhibit some
of these properties under an applied electric or magnetic field due to the
responsive alignment of molecules under stress.  For solids the situation is
more rigidly classifiable, even though where crystals are not specified below,
criteria may apply to a liquid or gas as well:

     Substance:	Transparent	Transparent	    Doped	Metallic
		Dielectric	  Crystal	Semiconductor	Reflector

Electro-optic (Ext. E Vector)
 Effect Name:	Stark (very high voltage gradients, E equivalent to Zeeman H)
		 for formulae, see reference [1]
  		Kerr (t)	Pockles (l)
		Delta =		Delta =
	    Ck*l*(Ex^2)*Lambda	Cp*(n^3)*Ez/2
 affects:	Linear Pol	Linear Pol
  Prop Vel	Differential	Differential
  Absorbtion	no		no
 manifestation:	Lin <-> Circ	Lin <-> Circ

Magneto-optic (Ext. H Vector)
 Effect Name:	Cotton-Mouton	Ferromagnetic	Voigt (t)	Kerr (t)
	      Double Refraction	Porter, Spencer	Delta Phi =	Delta Phi =
				& LeCraw (YIG)	 see note (i)	 see note (i)
 affects:	Linear Pol	[Unknown but	Linear Pol	Linear Pol
  Prop Vel	Differential	probably a	Differential	Differential
  Absorbtion	no		laser polar		yes		yes
 manifestation:	Lin <-> Cir	effect -fast!	Lin <-> Cir	Lin <-> Cir
				see ref. [3]
Optically Active (Ext. E, H, or Int. Molecular Structure)
		Str or Appl H			Str or Appl H plus free carriers
 Effect Name:	Faraday (l)			Faraday (l)
		Theta =				Theta =
		 Cv*Hz*l			 see note (ii)
 affects:	Circular Pol			Circular Pol
  Prop Vel	Differential			Differential
  Absorbtion	no				yes
 manifistation:	Lin Rotation			Lin Rotation

	(i)  Delta Phi = (q^4)*N*(Lambda^3)*(Hx^2)*l/4*pi*(Cm^6)*n*(Mv^3)
	(ii) Delta Phi = (q^3)*N*(Lambda^2)*(Hz)*l/2*pi*(Cm^4)*n*(Meff^2)

	(t) transverse.  Rooted in transverse Zeeman effect
	(l) longitudinal.  Rooted in longitudinal Zeeman effect
	l = Path length through portion of substance subject to applied field
	n = Index of refraction for substance in absence of applied field
	pi = 3.14159
	The next two are described w.r.t. a specific crystal axis (Fast Eigen)
	 Delta = Differential Phase for orthagonal incident E orientations
	 Delta Phi = Differential Phase for orthagonal incident H orientations
	Lambda = Wavelength of incident light
	Theta = Angle between incident and transmitted E vector
	 Lin	Linear		Cir	Circular	Pol	Polarization
	 Prop	Propagation	Vel	Velocity	<->	Transformed
	 Str	Structure	Appl	Applied			(to or from)
	 YIG	Yttrium Iron Garnet
	Ck = Electro-optic Kerr Constant for the medium
	Cp = Electro-optic Pockels Constant for the medium
	Cm = Voight or Kerr Magneto-optic constant
	Cv = Verdet Constant for Optically Active or Activated Material
	Ex = Transverse applied electric field voltage
	Ez = Longitudinal applied electric field voltage
	Hx = Transverse applied magnetic field strength
	Hz = Longitudinal applied magnetic field strength

	For some reason, older books are more likely to mention many of these
	effects than modern books on Solid State Physics (within my grasp,
	anyway).  Modern references will usually describe only one at a time,
	although the detail of the description is greater.
	[1] Optical Processes in Semiconductors, Jacques I. Pankove (Dover 1971)
	[2] Polarized Light, William A. Shurcliff (Harvard 1966)
	[3] Porter, C.S., E.G. Spencer, and R. LeCraw, "Transparent ferro-
	     magnetic light modulator using yttrium iron garnet," J. Appl.
	     Phys. 29,495(1958).
	[4] Fundamentals of Optics, Jenkins and White (McGraw-Hill 1957)

						Regards,    Howard Hull, HAO
        {ucbvax!hplabs | allegra!nbires | harpo!seismo } !hao!hull