[net.analog] Problem with spice3

badri@ur-valhalla.UUCP (Badri Lokanathan) (08/12/86)

We run BSD4.2 on a VAX11/750.

Has anybody been able to reproduce results obtained with spice2g6
on spice3? I seem to get either errors or differing results with 
spice3 on spice decks that work fine with spice2g6; usually
I get a floating point overflow. Could some one run the following
two examples on spice3 and mail me the results? Both work correctly
on spice2g6.

Thank you!
Badri Lokanathan
ARPA    : ur-valhalla!badri@rochester.arpa
UUCP    : {bullwinkle,cmcl2,columbia,cornell,harvard,ll-xn,

--------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -----------------------------
Single inverter delay simulation
mpd 1     2    0     3     enh l=5u w=5u
mpu 4     1     1     3     depl l=20u w=5u
cout 1     0     .035p
vin 2    0     pulse (0 5 10ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 50ns)
vdd 4     0     dc 5v
vbb 3     0     dc -2.5v
.tran .5ns 50ns
.plot tran v(2) v(1)
.model enh nmos (vto=.8 kp=35u gamma=.5 phi=.65 lambda=.02 pb=.85
+cgso=.2n cgdo=.2n cgbo=.2n rsh=16 mj=.5 cjsw=.35n mjsw=.33 js=10n
+tox=50n nsub=5e14 nss=5e10 ld=.2u uo=700
.model depl nmos (vto=-3.5 kp=35u gamma=.5 phi=.65 lambda=.02 pb=.85
+cgso=.2n cgdo=.2n cgbo=.2n rsh=16 mj=.5 cjsw=.35n mjsw=.33 js=10n
+tox=50n nsub=5e14 nss=5e10 tpg=1 ld=.2u uo=550
--------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -----------------------------
RS Flip-Flop simulation
* NOTE: there is almost no output loading, so response is fast
C1 1 0 .01PF
C2 2 0 .01PF
M1   9   1   1   0 NDEP W= 5.0U L= 20.0U
M2   9   2   2   0 NDEP W= 5.0U L= 20.0U
M3   1   2   0   0 NENH W= 5.0U L= 5.0U
+                  AD= 306.25P
M4   1   3   0   0 NENH W= 5.0U L= 5.0U
+                  AD= 306.25P
M5   2   1   0   0 NENH W= 5.0U L= 5.0U
M6   2   4   0   0 NENH W= 5.0U L= 5.0U

.MODEL NENH NMOS VTO=.8     KP=30.E-6   GAMMA=0.454  NSUB=2.E16 
+                UO=800     RSH=0.000   LEVEL=1       
+                TOX=.1E-6  CJ=5E-4     PB=.7
.MODEL NDEP NMOS VTO=-3.8   KP=30.E-6   GAMMA=0.454  NSUB=2.E16 
+                UO=800     RSH=0.000   LEVEL=1       
+                TOX=.1E-6  CJ=5E-4     PB=.7
***NOTE : RSH is set to zero  (resistances are negligable)***

VDD   9  0 DC 5.0
VIN1  3  0 PULSE(0.0  5.0  2NS  2NS  1NS  1.1120NS)
VIN2  4  0 DC 0.0
.IC V(1)=5.0
.TRAN  .5N  25N  0N   
*.PRINT TRAN  V(3) V(2) V(1)
.PLOT  TRAN  V(1)(0,5) V(2)(0,5) V(3)(0,5)