carlo@allegra.UUCP (Carlo Zaniolo) (04/12/84)
Call for Papers and Participation FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON EXPERT DATABASE SYSTEMS October 25-27, 1984, Kiawah Island, South Carolina Sponsored by The Institute of Information Management, Technology, and Policy, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina In Cooperation With Association for Computing Machinery - SIGMOD and SIGART IEEE Technical Committee on Data Base Engineering Workshop Program This workshop will address the theoretical and practical issues involved in making databases more knowledgeable and supportive of AI applications. The tools and techniques of database management are being used to represent and manage more complex types of data and applications environments. The rapid growth of online systems containing text, bibliographic, and videotex databases with their specialized knowledge, and the develop- ment of expert systems for scientific, engineering and business appli- cations indicate the need for intelligent database interfaces and new database system architectures. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss these issues in Plenary Sessions and specialized Working Groups. The Program Committee will invite 40 to 80 people, based on submitted research and application papers (5000 words) and issue-oriented position papers (2000-3000 words). Topics of Interest The Program Committee invites papers addressing (but not limited to) the following areas: Knowledge Base Systems Knowledge Engineering environments acquisition architectures representation languages design hardware learning Database Specification Methodologies Constraint and Rule Management object-oriented models metadata management temporal logic data dictionaries enterprise models constraint specification transactional databases verification, and enforcement _R_e_a_s_o_n_i_n_g _o_n _L_a_r_g_e _D_a_t_a_b_a_s_e_s _E_x_p_e_r_t _D_a_t_a_b_a_s_e _S_y_s_t_e_m_s fuzzy reasoning natural language access deductive databases domain experts semantic query optimization database design tools knowledge gateways industrial applications Please send five (5) copies of full papers or position papers by June 1, 1984 to: Larry Kerschberg, Program Chairperson College of Business Administration University of South Carolina Columbia, SC, 29208 (803) 777-7159 / (803) 777-5766 (messages) USENET: ucbvax!allegra!usceast!kersch CSNET: kersch@scarolina Submissions will be considered by the Program Committee: Bruce Berra, _S_y_r_a_c_u_s_e _U_n_i_v_e_r_s_i_t_y Sham Navathe, _U_n_i_v. _o_f _F_l_o_r_i_d_a James Bezdek, _U_n_i_v. _o_f _S_o_u_t_h _C_a_r_o_l_i_n_a Erich Neuhold, _H_e_w_l_e_t_t-_P_a_c_k_a_r_d Michael Brodie, _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _C_o_r_p. _o_f _A_m_e_r_i_c_a Stott Parker, _U_C_L_A Janis Bubenko, _U_n_i_v. _o_f _S_t_o_c_k_h_o_l_m Michael Stonebraker, _U_C-_B_e_r_k_e_l_e_y Peter Buneman, _U_n_i_v. _o_f _P_e_n_n_s_y_l_v_a_n_i_a Yannis Vassiliou, _N_e_w _Y_o_r_k _U_n_i_v. Antonio L. Furtado, _P_U_C-_R_i_o _d_e _J_a_n_e_i_r_o Adrian Walker, _I_B_M _R_e_s_e_a_r_c_h _L_a_b. Jonathan King, _S_y_m_a_n_t_e_c Bonnie L. Webber, _U. _o_f _P_e_n_n. John L. McCarthy, _L_a_w_r_e_n_c_e _B_e_r_k_e_l_e_y _L_a_b. Gio Wiederhold, _S_t_a_n_f_o_r_d _U_n_i_v. John Mylopoulos, _U_n_i_v_e_r_s_i_t_y _o_f _T_o_r_o_n_t_o Carlo Zaniolo, _A_T&_T _B_e_l_l _L_a_b_s Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by July 16, 1984. Preprints of accepted papers will be available at the workshop. Workshop presentations, discussions, and working group reports will be published in book form. Workshop General Chairman Local Arrangements Chairperson Donald A. Marchand Cathie Hughes-Johnson Institute of Information Management, Technology and Policy (803) 777-5766 Working Group Coordinator Industrial Liaison Sham Navathe Mas Tsuchiya Computer and Information Sciences TRW 119/1842 University of Florida One Space Park Drive 512 Weil Hall Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Gainesville, FL 32611 (213) 217-6114 (904) 392-7442 ______________________________________________________________________________ Response Card (Please mail to address on below) Name ___________________________________________ Telephone _____________ Organization ___________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP, and Country ________________________________________________________ Please check all that apply: _____ I intend to submit a research paper. _____ I intend to submit an issue-oriented position paper. _____ I would like to participate in a working group. General Topic Areas _________________________________________ _____ Not sure I can participate, but please keep me informed. Subject of paper ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Cathie Hughes-Johnson Institute of Information Management Technology and Policy College of Business Administration University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208