[net.lang.st80] OOLs in General

shebs@utah-cs.UUCP (Stanley Shebs) (08/31/84)

The fundamental theoretical work on OOLs has been done by Carl Hewitt
and his students at MIT, under the guise of "actor systems".  There's
numerous papers scattered through the literature, starting with Hewitt's
thesis in 1969 (which I've heard described as "brilliant but impenetrable").
Much of the work has concentrated on implementing various control structures
as message-passing, and more recently on doing synchronization in
multiprocessor systems.

A closely related topic is that of data abstraction, since objects are
a good way to implement the abstraction.  So research on languages like
CLU and Alphard is relevant, although those languages don't quite go to
the "extreme" that Smalltalk does, in basing *everything* on objects.

While we're on the subject of theory, I should point out that Smalltalk
and Lisp are not at all similar, as has been suggested in several recent
articles.  Similarities of automatic storage allocation, debugging tools,
and so forth are purely superficial - the fundamental semantics are quite
different.  Sussman (of Scheme fame) has pointed out that message-passing
has a very natural expression in terms of dispatch tables containing
the methods (which are just procedures), a technique which is easily
implemented in Scheme (it would be somewhat more difficult in ordinary
Lisp, but still useful, as witness the fact that nearly all "production"
Lisps have OOL packages).  Lisp is based on application of functions, while
Smalltalk is based on message-passing.

While we're on the subject of misperceptions, Smalltalk is not particularly
suited to AI (neither is Lisp - more on that in a moment).  Yes, there's
a nice environment, and yes, programs can be represented as data (though
with a little more difficulty than in Lisp), and certainly the inheritance
is nice.  However, building interesting AI programs in Smalltalk or Lisp
is akin to writing compilers and operating systems in assembly.  Just
too crude and low-level.  On the other hand, rule systems are good, 
Prolog is good (though *not* the ultimate answer), KL-TWO and RLL/Eurisko 
are good.  We don't yet know how to make a true AI language yet, one
which operates at the "knowledge level" as defined by Newell, and which
is as far advanced over Lisp and Smalltalk as the latter are over assembly
language.  We barely know what such a language should be able to do,
let alone how it should be built!

							stan shebs

trow@uw-june (Jay Trow) (09/07/84)

Forwarded from Smalltalk80Interest^@Xerox:


From: deutsch@xerox.arpa
Date:  1-Sep-84 18:25:54 PDT
Subject: Re: OOLs in General

There is great difference of opinion in the AI community about the
relative value of procedure-, object-, logic-, and rule-oriented
paradigms for writing AI systems.  My reading is that each of these
has proved to be valuable, and "the best" or "the most natural" for some
subset of AI applications.  (Then again, there is great difference of
opinion about what is AI and what isn't, too.)  Part of the reason that
procedure- and logic-based programming are so popular is that it seems
to be easier to simulate the other two paradigms in terms of them than
vice versa, so if that's your starting point, you get to have the
largest number of paradigms at your easy disposal.
