[net.lang.st80] SMALLTALK Wanted for 3B20

rfw@aplcen.UUCP (Ralph Wachter APL x6249) (02/07/86)

I am looking for a copy of SMALLTALK that runs on
either a 3B20 under UNIXSV or a VAX/VMS.

Thanks in advance!
R. Wachter

johnson@uiucdcsp.CS.UIUC.EDU (02/10/86)

Source for Little Smalltalk can be obtained by sending a check for
$20, payable to "The University of Arizona", to
	Professor Tim Budd
	Smalltalk Distribution
	Department of Computer Science
	The University of Arizona
	Tucson, Arizona 85721
Little Smalltalk apparently runs on nearly anything that runs Unix, and
most machines that run C.  It is written in C and yacc.  It requires no
graphics, thus it has none of the fancy Smalltalk-80 user interface.
The compiler is in C, not Smalltalk, and a number of language features
have been changed to make the system more compatible with a less
interactive environment.  Only a fraction of the Smalltalk-80 classes
are present, but that fraction includes the most most important classes
that do not require graphics.

I would rather have a SUN running Smalltalk-80 than use Little Smalltalk,
but, considering the limitations, it seems to be a pretty good
implementation.  Also, the newsletter that comes with the distribution
is quite interesting.