discolo@ucsbcsl.UUCP (Anthony V. Discolo) (03/08/86)
[Is anyone out there? I haven't seen anything posted to this newsgroup in ages!] I just received Smalltalk-80 for the Macintosh, and am quite impressed overall, except that I have one problem: it doesn't seem to understand HFS. Have any of you modified it to work with HFS? I understand that you can call the Toolbox routines from the primitives, so it must be possible, right? I hope those of you that have Smalltalk-80 for the Macintosh (or any Smalltalk system) will feel free to share your experiences to net.lang.st80. I, for one, would be interested in hearing about them. Anthony Discolo -- uucp: {ucbvax,cepu}!ucsbcsl!discolo arpa: ucsbcsl!discolo@BERKELEY csnet: discolo@ucsb USMail: U.C. Santa Barbara Department of Computer Science Santa Barbara, CA 93106 GTE: (805) 961-4178