messick@tekchips.UUCP (Steve Messick) (07/29/86)
Grapher is a Smalltalk tool to display data structures. The distribution consists of two parts: PART 1 contains the files README and, PART 2 has only the file See the README file for further information. ------------------------------ README ------------------------------ Introduction Grapher is a tool which attempts to provide a general yet simple mechanism for viewing and interacting with Smalltalk data structures. It is especially well suited for directed acyclic graphs. It should be able to handle cyclic graphs but this has not been extensively tested and the resultant lay out of the graph would probably be non-optimal. Grapher is a generic name which includes these classes: GraphNode, EmptyGraphNode, GraphHolder, GraphHolderView, and GraphHolderController. Interaction occurs via the mouse. An element (node) of the graph may be selected with the mouse, and sent messages chosen from a menu of options recognized by the elements of the graph. Graphs consist of labeled nodes (which correspond to Smalltalk objects; the objects are referred to as elements) and unlabeled arcs. The arcs are drawn as straight lines without arrowheads. The label of the node may be an instance of either Text or Form. An instance of GraphHolder contains a collection of GraphNodes. There is one GraphNode for every node in the graph. It is, perhaps, a bit presumptuous to call this tool Grapher. The original Grapher is supplied with Xerox Lisp machines. It has several features not available in this implementation. The two most noticeable extra features are the ability to interactively edit graphs and the ability to lay out more general kinds of graphs. Grapher is known to work with the Tektronix 4400 series machines. It probably will not work with Version 1 Smalltalk-80 images (e.g. Apple Macintosh Smalltalk: class ActionMenu needs to be defined). No claims are made as to whether it will work with any other Smalltalk images. Use First, the simple cases, applicable for DAGs. A Graph of a forest of DAGs can be easily created by sending GraphHolder class the message 'createForestWithRoots:' with an argument which a Collection of elements that are the roots of the DAGs. This will create a GraphNode for each element of the graph and return a properly initialized instance of GraphHolder. A special case for creating a graph of a tree is available via 'createTreeWithRoot:'. The GraphHolder returned by either is suitable for use as a model in a GraphHolderView. To create a scrollable, resizable view of a DAG send GraphHolderView class the message 'openOn: roots label: string'. This creates a forest, as above, lays out the graph in horizontal format, and opens a new window on it. There are other, similar messages which allow the specification of graph format, menu, etc. The elements in roots and all their subnodes must respond to messages requesting their children, and their label. The default message selectors are 'children' and 'graphLabel'. 'children' must return a Collection of child nodes, or an empty collection if none. 'graphLabel' must return a Text or Form to be used as the label of the node in the Graph. These message selectors may be changed by including the desired selector as an argument to 'openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols menu: actionMenu childrenMsg: children labelMsg: graphLabel'. That last message selector included a couple other parameters of interest. 'formatSymbols' is an Array of Symbols which control the format of the graph. Currently recognized symbols are: #horizontal the default, left to right #vertical top to bottom #reverse right to left, or bottom to top Note that #horizontal and #vertical are mutually exclusive, but both can be combined with #reverse. A 'formatSymbols' of #( vertical reverse ) results in a Graph which looks like a true tree: the root is at the bottom. The other parameter is 'actionMenu'. If 'actionMenu' is non-nil the window becomes sensitive to mouse clicks. The red button can be used to select an element of the graph, then the yellow button will activate 'actionMenu'. The menu selection message will be sent to the object which the node of the tree represents. Note that there will be two different menus: if no selection has been made the default window menu will be present on the yellow button, but if a selection has been made then the 'actionMenu' will be the menu used by the yellow button. To create a GraphHolder without tying it to a particular view send GraphHolder class the message 'createForestWithRoots: roots' or 'createTreeWithRoot: root'. These methods return a properly initialized instance of GraphHolder which then may be used as a model for a GraphHolderView. The GraphHolder will need to be laid out by sending it the message 'layout: formatSymbols' where 'formatSymbols' is the same as for GraphHolderView. It is not necessary to use the supplied routines for initializing a GraphHolder. It is only required that the GraphHolder be given a Collection of GraphNodes (via 'GraphHolder.graphNodes:'). Each GraphNode must have its 'object' and 'to' fields initialized. The 'object' field is a pointer to the object represented by the GraphNode. The 'to' field points to the objects (not the GraphNodes) which are the children of the node. These fields are initialized by the ' toObjects object: myObject' method. Occasionally it is necessary to create a graph with no nodes in it. To do so send GraphHolder class the message 'createEmpty'. It returns a GrapherHolder with one EmptyGraphNode in it. The message 'isEmpty' test a GraphHolder: it returns true if graph has one EmptyGraphNode in it, false otherwise. 'GraphHolderView.erase' has an example of how an empty graph may be used. Default Menu The default yellow (middle) button menu for a GraphHolderView window contains two items. `inspect' opens a model-view-controller inspector on the GraphHolderView. This option is provided mostly for debugging Grapher, but can be used to get a handle on the objects which make up the graph. The other option is `file out' which doesn't quite work yet. It is intended to produce PostScript code, and it does, which will cause the graph to be replicated on the Laser Writer. The PostScript is almost correct when I preview it on a Magnolia but nothing comes out when I send it to the Laser Writer. A rather long file of predefined PostScript code is required to make this work; see me if you want a copy. It also requires 'WriteStream.lf' to be defined. Note that this menu is not available when an 'actionMenu' has been specified and a node has been selected. Installation Grapher is distributed as a set of files (all of which have lf's, not cr's, as line terminators):,, and README. The first two are Smalltalk source code files, the third is this documentation file. It should be possible to simply file-in and to install Grapher. GrapherHolder class has two examples. The examples each create a GraphHolderView on a portion of the Smalltalk inheritance hierarchy. Acknowledgements Steve Messick wrote the first version of Smalltalk Grapher in March, 1986. It was based on the Grapher LispUsers package in Interlisp-D (but with much less functionallity). Chris Jacobsen provided most of the extensions and bug fixes which result in the current version. In particular he introduced empty and replaceable GraphHolders, and got Forms to work as the label of a GraphNode. Thanks to Roxie Rochet and Brian Phillips for helping to test the earlier version of Grapher. Known Bugs o Scrolling is off-by-2. The right and bottom edges may have a 2 bit wide strip which does not get cleared if the graph is scrolled to far left or far top. o Scrolling horizontally is not continuous on the 4400's, but vertical scrolling is. Problems, questions, and/or suggestions should be directed to Steve Messick, CRL, Tek Labs (messick%tekcrl@tektronix.csnet), or to Chris Jacobson (chrisj%tekcrl@tektronix.csnet). Of particular interest are any extensions, bug fixes, or other modifications to the code. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ DisplayObject subclass: #GraphHolder instanceVariableNames: 'nodes virtualNodes roots directed sides delta form offset boundingBox ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! GraphHolder comment: 'A GraphHolder provides the global organization required to present a structured, graphical display of a data structure. GraphHolders may be created with the createTreeWithRoot: or createForestWithRoots: messages in GraphHolder metaclass, or by the openOn:label: message of GraphHolderView metaclass. Also, it is possible, but not easy, to use routines external to GraphHolder to create a graph. After a graph has been created it must have its elements positioned properly. The message layout: does this. I ts argument is an Array of formatting symbols, which specify the various format options which are in effect for this GraphHolder. The format symbols currently recognized are: #horizontal The default. GraphHolders have roots to the left, leaves to the right. #vertical Roots at top, leaves at bottom. #reverse Either right-left, or bottom-top. My instance variables: nodes <Dictionary from Object to GraphNode> The nodes which make up a GraphHolder. virtualNodes <Dictionary from Object to Sets of GraphNode> Nodes with multiple ''from'' fields are replicated here. roots <Collection of Object> The distinguished nodes which are the roots of a DAG. directed <Boolean> If true, I am a directed graph and links are fixed (e.g. from bottom of a label to top of a child label). If false, links may originate at whichever edge of the label is convenient (modulo the value of sides). sides <Boolean> If true, links are drawn to the left or right of a node. If false, links are drawn to the top or bottom of a node. delta <Point> The minimum distances between node labels. The x value specifies the distance between parent/child. The y value, adjacent children. form <Form or GraphHolder> The object to be displayed. If the display fits on a form then a form is created and saved here. Otherwise this is a pointer back to the GraphHolder. Only used for display. offset <Point> My display offset (in local view coordinates). boundingBox <Rectangle> A rectangle large enough to hold my entire graphical display, positioned in local view coordinates. Currently, my sides and directed flags are unused. They are provided for compatability with future versions of Grapher which may support more generalized layout options. File out Grapher: | sourceStream | sourceStream _ Disk file: '''' asFileName. #(XAxisScrollController GraphHolderController GraphHolderView) do: [ :className | (Smalltalk at: className) fileOutOn: sourceStream]. sourceStream nextChunkPut: ''#(''''FourWay'''' ''''LeftCursor'''' ''''RightCursor'''' ''''XMarkerCursor'''') do: [ :var | Cursor addClassVarName: var].''; cr. #(fourWay left right xMarker initialize) do: [ :selector | Cursor class fileOutMessage: selector on: sourceStream moveSource: false toFile: 0]. sourceStream nextChunkPut: ''Cursor initialize.''; cr. sourceStream close. | sourceStream | sourceStream _ Disk file: '''' asFileName. #(GraphHolder GraphNode EmptyGraphNode) do: [ :className | (Smalltalk at: className) fileOutOn: sourceStream]. Object fileOutCategory: ''grapher access'' asSymbol on: sourceStream moveSource: false toFile: 0. sourceStream close. '! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'initialize-release'! initialize sides _ true. directed _ true. offset _ 0@0! release form _ nil! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'accessing'! directed ^directed! directed: aBool directed _ aBool! form form == nil ifTrue: [self composeForm]. ^form! nodes ^nodes! offset ^offset! offset: aPoint offset _ aPoint! roots "Chris Jacobson 7-9-86" ^roots! selectNodeAt: selectionPoint | selection | selection _ nodes detect: [ :node | node containsPoint: selectionPoint] ifNone: [nil]. selection == nil & (virtualNodes ~= nil) ifTrue: [virtualNodes do: [ :group | selection _ group detect: [ :node | node containsPoint: selectionPoint] ifNone: [nil]. selection == nil ifFalse: [^selection]]]. ^selection! sides ^sides! sides: aBool sides _ aBool! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'testing'! isEmpty ^(nodes size = 1) and: [nodes keysDo: [:node | ^node class == EmptyGraphNode]]! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'display box access'! boundingBox boundingBox == nil ifTrue: [boundingBox _ self computeBoundingBox]. ^boundingBox! computeBoundingBox self layout. ^boundingBox! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'displaying'! displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: aDisplayPoint clippingBox: clipRectangle rule: ruleInteger mask: aForm | displayPoint blter | displayPoint _ aDisplayPoint + offset. blter _ BitBlt destForm: aDisplayMedium sourceForm: (Form extent: 1@1) black halftoneForm: aForm combinationRule: ruleInteger destOrigin: 0@0 sourceOrigin: 0@0 extent: 1@1 clipRect: clipRectangle. nodes do: [ :node | node to do: [ :child | blter drawFrom: displayPoint + node fromPt to: displayPoint + child toPt]]. nodes do: [ :node | node displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: displayPoint clippingBox: clipRectangle rule: ruleInteger mask: aForm]. virtualNodes == nil ifFalse: [virtualNodes do: [ :share | share do: [ :node | node displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: displayPoint clippingBox: clipRectangle rule: ruleInteger mask: aForm]]]! displayOn: aDisplayMedium transformation: aDisplayTransformation clippingBox: aRectangle rule: ruleInteger mask: aHalfTone self form displayOn: aDisplayMedium transformation: aDisplayTransformation clippingBox: aRectangle rule: ruleInteger mask: aHalfTone! view self displayOn: self form at: 0@0. form openAs: (roots size = 1 ifTrue: ['Tree'] ifFalse: ['Forest'])! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'graph layout'! layout "Default format." self layout: #( #horizontal )! layout: format | messages realOffset extents max horizontal | delta == nil ifTrue: [delta _ 30@30]. messages _ (nodes at: roots first) formatMessages: format. horizontal _ format includes: #horizontal. realOffset _ offset copy. extents _ OrderedCollection new: roots size. max _ 0. roots do: [ :root | extents addLast: ((nodes at: root) extentOfGraph: self withDelta: delta formatMessages: (messages at: 1))]. 1 to: roots size do: [ :n | (nodes at: (roots at: n)) setPosition: offset withDelta: delta forGraph: self formatMessages: (messages at: 2). horizontal ifTrue: [max _ max max: (extents at: n) x. offset y: offset y + (extents at: n) y + delta y] ifFalse: [max _ max max: (extents at: n) y. offset x: offset x + (extents at: n) x + delta x]]. horizontal ifTrue: [boundingBox _ 0@0 extent: (max + delta x @ offset y). offset _ realOffset. offset x: offset x + (delta x // 2)] ifFalse: [boundingBox _ 0@0 extent: offset x @ (max + delta y). offset _ realOffset. offset y: offset y + (delta y // 2)]! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'graph setup'! addNode: newNode "Add a 'virtual' node to the graph. Virtual nodes have no children; they serve as markers for nodes with multiple from nodes." virtualNodes == nil ifTrue: [virtualNodes _ IdentityDictionary new: 16]. (virtualNodes at: newNode object ifAbsent: [virtualNodes at: newNode object put: (OrderedCollection new: 5)]) addLast: newNode! forestFrom: rootObjs children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg | index | nodes _ IdentityDictionary new: 64. roots _ Array new: rootObjs size. index _ 1. rootObjs do: [ :root | roots at: index put: root. index _ index + 1. self newGraphNode: root fromNode: nil children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg]! newGraphNode: nodeObj fromNode: fromNode children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg "Add another graphNode (for nodeObj) to the graph. Its immediate parent is fromNode. 'Ware circularities!!" | graphNode toNodes children | graphNode _ nodes at: nodeObj ifAbsent: [graphNode _ GraphNode from: fromNode object: nodeObj label: (nodeObj perform: labelMsg). children _ nodeObj perform: childrenMsg. toNodes _ OrderedCollection new: children size. children do: [ :child | toNodes addLast: (self newGraphNode: child fromNode: graphNode children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg)]. graphNode to: toNodes asArray. nodes at: nodeObj put: graphNode. ^graphNode]. graphNode addFromNode: fromNode. ^graphNode! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'graph hardcopy'! psEpilogueOn: aStream aStream lf! psLine: beginPt to: endPt on: aStream beginPt x printOn: aStream. aStream space. beginPt y printOn: aStream. aStream space. endPt x printOn: aStream. aStream space. endPt y printOn: aStream. aStream space; nextPutAll: 'Line'; lf! psPrologueOn: aStream aStream lf. offset x negated printOn: aStream. aStream space. offset y negated printOn: aStream. aStream space. boundingBox extent x printOn: aStream. aStream space. boundingBox extent y printOn: aStream. aStream space; nextPutAll: 'SetPage'; lf! psScriptOn: aStream nodes do: [ :node | node to do: [ :child | self psLine: node fromPt to: child toPt on: aStream ]]. nodes do: [ :node | node psStoreOn: aStream ]. virtualNodes == nil ifFalse: [virtualNodes do: [ :share | share do: [ :node | node boxYourself. "workaround for a slight glitch" node psStoreOn: aStream ]]]! psStoreOn: aStream "Store the PostScript code to reproduce me on aStream. This set of methods requires some external PostScript definitions for SetPage, Box, Line, and Label." self psPrologueOn: aStream. self psScriptOn: aStream. self psEpilogueOn: aStream! ! !GraphHolder methodsFor: 'private'! composeForm self boundingBox extent x +15 // 16 * self boundingBox extent y > WordArray maxSize ifFalse: [form _ Form extent: self boundingBox extent. self displayOn: form at: 0@0. self changed: #form] ifTrue: [form _ self. self changed: #noform]! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! GraphHolder class instanceVariableNames: ''! !GraphHolder class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! createEmpty ^self createTreeWithRoot: (EmptyGraphNode new)! createForestWithRoots: objs ^self createForestWithRoots: objs children: #children label: #graphLabel! createForestWithRoots: objs children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg "Create a forest rooted at objs. Use the message selector in childrenMsg to get the children of node. Use the selector in labelMsg to get the label of a node." ^self new forestFrom: objs children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg! createTreeWithRoot: obj ^self createForestWithRoots: (Array with: obj)! new ^super new initialize! ! !GraphHolder class methodsFor: 'examples'! example1 "If 'children' and 'graphLabel' have been defined in Object then display the inheritance heirarchy for Number." GraphHolderView openOn: (Array with: Number) label: 'Number' format: #( #vertical #reverse ) "GraphHolder example1" "definition of children for Object" "children ^self subclasses" "definition of graphLabel for Object" "graphLabel ^self name asText"! example2 "If 'children' and 'graphLabel' have been defined in Object then display the inheritance heirarchies for View and Controller. This example is interesting because the space required to display the resulting forest is too large to fit into an instance of Form. (At least, it's too big for a 16-bit interpreter.)" GraphHolderView openOn: (Array with: View with: Controller) label: 'Windows' "GraphHolder example2"! ! DisplayText subclass: #GraphNode instanceVariableNames: 'object from to fromPt toPt boxed ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! GraphNode comment: 'My instance variables: object <Object> Reference to the object which I am to display. from <Array of Integer> A list of GraphNode id''s. A link fruns from each node in this list to me. to <Array of Integer> A list of GraphNode id''s. A link fruns from me to each node in this list. fromPt <Point> The location (wrt offset) on my form where my to links begin. toPt <Point> The location (wrt offset) on my form where my from links end. boxed <Boolean> If true, a box is to drawn around my form. Only valid for ''real'' nodes (ie those GraphNodes in the nodes field of GraphHolder, not the virtualNodes field). '! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'initialize-release'! initialize boxed _ false! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! from ^from! from: fromNodes from _ fromNodes! fromPt ^fromPt! object ^object! to ^to! to: toNodes to _ toNodes! toPt ^toPt! visited "Boxed is used as a temporary indicator: it is set to true during pass one, then false in pass two. Shared nodes remain true." ^toPt ~= nil and: [to size > 0]! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'testing'! containsPoint: aPoint ^(Rectangle origin: offset extent: form boundingBox extent) containsPoint: aPoint! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'editing'! addFromNode: new from _ from copyWith: new! addToNode: new to _ to copyWith: new! boxYourself | newForm | boxed ifTrue: [^self]. form border: form boundingBox width: 1. boxed _ true! deleteFromNode: old from _ from copyWithout: old! deleteToNode: old to _ to copyWithout: old! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'display box access'! bottomCenter ^self form boundingBox bottomCenter + offset! boundingBox ^self form boundingBox! leftCenter ^self form boundingBox leftCenter + offset! origin ^self form boundingBox origin + offset! rightCenter ^self form boundingBox rightCenter + offset! topCenter ^self form boundingBox topCenter + offset! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'graph layout'! extentOfGraph: graph withDelta: delta formatMessages: msgs "Determine the extent of the rectangular area required to hold the subtree of which I am the root. Save the extent temporarily in offset (till we get to setPosition:...)." | boundingBox labelBox updateMsg childExtent | labelBox _ self boundingBox. boxed ifTrue: [^self perform: (msgs at: 1) with: labelBox extent with: delta]. to size = 0 ifTrue: [^offset _ self perform: (msgs at: 1) with: labelBox extent with: delta]. boxed _ true. updateMsg _ msgs at: 2. to do: [ :child | childExtent _ child extentOfGraph: graph withDelta: delta formatMessages: msgs. self perform: updateMsg with: childExtent]. self perform: (msgs at: 3) with: labelBox extent with: delta. ^offset! formatMessages: format (format includes: #vertical) ifTrue: [(format includes: #reverse) ifTrue: [^self reverseVerticalFormat] ifFalse: [^self verticalFormat]]. (format includes: #horizontal) ifTrue: [(format includes: #reverse) ifTrue: [^self reverseHorizontalFormat] ifFalse: [^self horizontalFormat]]. self error: 'Unknown graph format.'! horizontalFormat ^Array with: #( #horizExtent:with: #horizAdjustOffset: #horizAddLabel:with: ) with: #( #leftCenter #horizWidth:with: #horizFixedSubOrigin:with:with: #horizVariableSubOrigin: #horizNewSubOrigin:with: )! reverseHorizontalFormat ^Array with: #( #horizExtent:with: #horizAdjustOffset: #horizAddLabel:with: ) with: #( #rightCenter #horizWidth:with: #revHorizFixedSubOrigin:with:with: #horizVariableSubOrigin: #horizNewSubOrigin:with: )! reverseVerticalFormat ^Array with: #( #vertExtent:with: #vertAdjustOffset: #vertAddLabel:with: ) with: #( #bottomCenter #vertWidth:with: #revVertFixedSubOrigin:with:with: #vertVariableSubOrigin: #vertNewSubOrigin:with: )! setPosition: origin withDelta: delta forGraph: graph formatMessages: msgs "Allocate space for each of my children side-by-side and assign a value to offset which results in my form being appropriately centered in my display rectangle." | area labelBox x d w child | labelBox _ self boundingBox. area _ origin extent: offset. offset _ 0@0. boxed _ false. to size = 0 ifTrue: [self align: (labelBox perform: (msgs at: 1)) with: (area perform: (msgs at: 1)). toPt _ offset + (labelBox perform: (msgs at: 1)). ^self perform: (msgs at: 2) with: labelBox extent with: delta]. self align: (labelBox perform: (msgs at: 1)) with: (area perform: (msgs at: 1)). toPt _ offset + (labelBox perform: (msgs at: 1)). fromPt _ offset + (labelBox perform: (self oppositeCenter: (msgs at: 1))). x _ self perform: (msgs at: 3) with: area with: labelBox extent with: delta. w _ 0. d _ self perform: (msgs at: 4) with: area origin. 1 to: to size do: [ :n | child _ to at: n. child visited ifTrue: [child boxYourself. child _ child copy. child offset: child boundingBox extent + delta. child to: Array new. graph addNode: child. to at: n put: child]. w _ w + (child setPosition: (self perform: (msgs at: 5) with: x with: d+w) withDelta: delta forGraph: graph formatMessages: msgs)]. ^w! verticalFormat ^Array with: #( #vertExtent:with: #vertAdjustOffset: #vertAddLabel:with: ) with: #( #topCenter #vertWidth:with: #vertFixedSubOrigin:with:with: #vertVariableSubOrigin: #vertNewSubOrigin:with: )! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'graph formating'! horizAddLabel: labelExtent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" offset y: (offset y max: (labelExtent y + delta y)). offset x: offset x + labelExtent x + delta x! horizAdjustOffset: subExtent "This message belongs in position 2 of extentOfGraph:" offset y: offset y + subExtent y. offset x: (offset x max: subExtent x)! horizExtent: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 1 for extentOfGraph:" ^extent + (0 @ delta y)! horizFixedSubOrigin: area with: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" ^area origin x + extent x + delta x! horizNewSubOrigin: x with: y "This message belongs in position 5 of extentOfGraph:" ^x @ y! horizVariableSubOrigin: origin "This message belongs in position 4 of extentOfGraph:" ^origin y! horizWidth: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 2 of setPosition: (Note that a message in Rectangle goes in position 1)" ^extent y + delta y! oppositeCenter: aSymbol aSymbol == #topCenter ifTrue: [^#bottomCenter]. aSymbol == #leftCenter ifTrue: [^#rightCenter]. aSymbol == #bottomCenter ifTrue: [^#topCenter]. aSymbol == #rightCenter ifTrue: [^#leftCenter]! revHorizFixedSubOrigin: area with: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" ^area origin x! revVertFixedSubOrigin: area with: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" ^area origin y! vertAddLabel: labelExtent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" offset x: (offset x max: (labelExtent x + delta x)). offset y: offset y + labelExtent y + delta y! vertAdjustOffset: subExtent "This message belongs in position 2 of extentOfGraph:" offset x: offset x + subExtent x. offset y: (offset y max: subExtent y)! vertExtent: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 1 for extentOfGraph:" ^extent + (delta x @ 0)! vertFixedSubOrigin: area with: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 3 of extentOfGraph:" ^area origin y + extent y + delta y! vertNewSubOrigin: y with: x "This message belongs in position 5 of extentOfGraph:" ^x @ y! vertVariableSubOrigin: origin "This message belongs in position 4 of extentOfGraph:" ^origin x! vertWidth: extent with: delta "This message belongs in position 2 of setPosition: (Note that a message in Rectangle goes in position 1)" ^extent x + delta x! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'graph hardcopy'! psStoreOn: aStream | insetBox | insetBox _ (offset extent: self form boundingBox extent) insetBy: 2@2. boxed ifTrue: [offset x printOn: aStream. aStream space. offset y printOn: aStream. aStream space. insetBox corner x + 2 printOn: aStream. aStream space. insetBox corner y + 2 printOn: aStream. aStream space; nextPutAll: 'Box'; lf]. insetBox origin x printOn: aStream. aStream space. insetBox origin y printOn: aStream. aStream space; nextPut: $(; nextPutAll: text string; nextPut: $); space; nextPutAll: 'Label'; lf.! ! !GraphNode methodsFor: 'private'! composeForm | newForm | super composeForm. newForm _ Form extent: form boundingBox extent + (4@4). newForm white. form displayOn: newForm at: 2@2. form _ newForm! from: fromNodes to: toNodes object: myObject label: label from _ fromNodes. to _ toNodes. object _ myObject. (label isKindOf: DisplayObject) ifTrue: [form _ label. offset _ 0@0] ifFalse: [self setText: label asText textStyle: DefaultTextStyle copy offset: 0@0]! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! GraphNode class instanceVariableNames: ''! !GraphNode class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! from: fromID object: obj ^self from: (Array with: fromID) to: nil object: obj label: obj graphLabel! from: fromID object: obj label: graphLabel ^self from: (Array with: fromID) to: nil object: obj label: graphLabel! from: fromIDs to: toIDs object: obj ^self from: fromIDs to: toIDs object: obj label: obj graphLabel! from: fromIDs to: toIDs object: obj label: label ^self new from: fromIDs to: toIDs object: obj label: label! new ^super new initialize! to: toID object: obj ^self from: nil to: (Array with: toID) object: obj label: obj graphLabel! ! Object subclass: #EmptyGraphNode instanceVariableNames: 'graphLabel children ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! !EmptyGraphNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! children ^children! graphLabel ^graphLabel! ! !EmptyGraphNode methodsFor: 'initialize'! initialize graphLabel _ (Form dotOfSize: 0). children _ #()! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! EmptyGraphNode class instanceVariableNames: ''! !EmptyGraphNode class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new ^super new initialize! ! !Object methodsFor: 'grapher access'! children ^self subclasses! graphLabel ^self name asText! !
messick@tekchips.UUCP (Steve Messick) (07/29/86)
Grapher is a Smalltalk tool to display data structures. The distribution consists of two parts: PART 1 contains the files README and, PART 2 has only the file See the README file for further information. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ScrollController subclass: #XAxisScrollController instanceVariableNames: 'xScrollBar xMarker xSavedArea ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! XAxisScrollController comment: 'I represent control for scrolling using an x-axis scroll bar. I am a subclass of ScrollController that creates an x-axis scroll bar. My subclasses then have x and y-axis scroll bars. I keep control as long as the cursor is inside the view or either one of the scroll bars. The y-axis scroll bar is a rectangular area representing the length of the information being viewed. It contains an inner rectangle whose top y-coordinate represents the relative position of the information visible on the screen with respect to all of the information, and whose size represents the relative amount of that information visible on the screen. The user controls which part of the information is visible by pressing the red button. If the cursor is to the right of the inner rectangle, the windo w onto the visible information moves upward, if the cursor is to the left, the window moves downward, and if the cursor is inside, the inner rectangle is grabbed and moved to a desired position. The x-axis scroll bar is controlled in an analogous manner. Instance Variables: xScrollBar <Quadrangle> inside white, the outer rectangle xMarker <Quadrangle> inside gray, the inner rectangle xSavedArea <Form> the area the xScrollBar overlaps, restored whenever the xScrollBar is hidden '! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'initialize-release'! initialize super initialize. xScrollBar _ Quadrangle new. xScrollBar borderWidthLeft: 2 right: 2 top: 0 bottom: 2. xMarker _ Quadrangle new. xMarker insideColor: Form gray! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'basic control sequence'! controlInitialize "The scrollbar has a two-pixel border, and for alignment it assumes that this sub-view has a one-pixel border and shares another one-pixel border from its neighbor/super view" super controlInitialize. xScrollBar region: (0 @ 0 extent: (view displayBox width + 2) @ 32). xMarker region: self computeXMarkerRegion. xScrollBar _ xScrollBar align: xScrollBar topLeft with: view displayBox bottomLeft - (1@0). xMarker _ xMarker align: xMarker leftCenter with: xScrollBar inside leftCenter. xSavedArea _ Form fromDisplay: xScrollBar. xScrollBar displayOn: Display. self moveXMarker! controlTerminate super controlTerminate. xSavedArea notNil ifTrue: [xSavedArea displayOn: Display at: xScrollBar topLeft. xSavedArea_ nil]! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'control defaults'! controlActivity self xScrollBarContainsCursor ifTrue: [self xScroll] ifFalse: [super controlActivity]! isControlActive ^self xScrollBarContainsCursor or: [super isControlActive]! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'scroll bar region'! repaintUnderScrollBar "Repaint the area under the scroll bar ." super repaintUnderScrollBar. self repaintUnderXScrollBar! repaintUnderXScrollBar "Repaint the area under the scroll bar ." xSavedArea notNil ifTrue: [xSavedArea displayOn: Display at: xScrollBar topLeft. xSavedArea_ nil]! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'scrolling'! canXScroll "Answer whether there is information that is not visible and can be seen by scrolling." ^xMarker region width < xScrollBar inside width! scrollViewLeft "Scroll the receiver's view left the default amount." self xScrollView: self xScrollAmount negated! scrollViewNoDisplay: delta | t2 | delta ~= 0 ifTrue: [t2 _ (delta min: view window top - model boundingBox top) max: view window top - model boundingBox bottom. view scrollBy: 0 @ t2]! scrollViewRight "Scroll the receiver's view right the default amount." self xScrollView: self xScrollAmount! viewXDelta "Answer an integer that indicates how much the view should be scrolled. The scroll bar has been moved and now the view must be so the amount to scroll is computed as a ratio of the current scroll bar position." ^view window left - view boundingBox left - ((xMarker left - xScrollBar inside left) asFloat / xScrollBar inside width asFloat * view boundingBox width asFloat) rounded! xScroll "Check to see whether the user wishes to jump, scroll left, or scroll right." | savedCursor regionPercent | savedCursor _ sensor currentCursor. [self xScrollBarContainsCursor] whileTrue: [Processor yield. regionPercent _ 100 * (xScrollBar inside bottom - sensor cursorPoint y) // xScrollBar height. regionPercent <= 40 ifTrue: [self scrollLeft] ifFalse: [regionPercent >= 60 ifTrue: [self scrollRight] ifFalse: [self xScrollAbsolute]]]. savedCursor show! xScrollAmount "Answer the number of bits of x-coordinate should be scrolled. This is a default determination based on the view's preset display transformation." ^((view inverseDisplayTransform: sensor cursorPoint) - (view inverseDisplayTransform: xScrollBar inside leftCenter)) x! xScrollView "The scroll bar jump method was used so that the view should be updated to correspond to the location of the scroll bar gray area." self xScrollView: self viewXDelta! xScrollView: anInteger "If anInteger is not zero, tell the receiver's view to scroll by anInteger amount." anInteger ~= 0 ifTrue: [view scrollBy: ((anInteger min: view window left - view boundingBox left) max: view window left - view boundingBox right) @ 0. view clearInside. view display]! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'cursor'! xMarkerContainsCursor "Answer whether the gray area inside the scroll bar area contains the cursor." ^xMarker inside containsPoint: sensor cursorPoint! xScrollBarContainsCursor "Answer whether the cursor is anywhere within the scroll bar area." ^xScrollBar inside containsPoint: sensor cursorPoint! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'! computeXMarkerRegion "Answer the rectangular area in which the gray area of the scroll bar should be displayed." ^0@0 extent: ((view window width asFloat / view boundingBox width * xScrollBar inside width) rounded min: xScrollBar inside width) @ 10! moveXMarker "The view window has changed. Update the xMarker." self moveXMarker: self xMarkerDelta negated! moveXMarker: anInteger "Update the xMarker so that is is translated by an amount corresponding to a distance of anInteger, constrained within the boundaries of the scroll bar." Display fill: xMarker mask: xScrollBar insideColor. xMarker _ xMarker translateBy: ((anInteger min: xScrollBar inside right - xMarker right) max: xScrollBar inside left - xMarker left) @ 0. xMarker displayOn: Display! xMarkerDelta ^xMarker left - xScrollBar inside left - ((view window left - view boundingBox left) asFloat / view boundingBox width asFloat * xScrollBar inside width asFloat) rounded! xMarkerRegion: aRectangle "Set the area defined by aRectangle as the xMarker. Fill it with gray tone." Display fill: xMarker mask: xScrollBar insideColor. xMarker region: aRectangle. xMarker _ xMarker align: xMarker leftCenter with: xScrollBar inside leftCenter! ! !XAxisScrollController methodsFor: 'private'! scrollLeft "This is modified from the original to provide continuous scrolling" self changeCursor: Cursor left. sensor anyButtonPressed ifTrue: [self canXScroll ifTrue: [self scrollViewLeft. self moveXMarker]]. sensor waitNoButton! scrollRight "This is modified from the original to provide continuous scrolling" self changeCursor: Cursor right. sensor anyButtonPressed ifTrue: [self canXScroll ifTrue: [self scrollViewRight. self moveXMarker]]. sensor waitNoButton! xAndYScrollAbsolute | oldMarker oldXMarker savedCursor | (((self canXScroll) or: [self canScroll]) and: [sensor redButtonPressed]) ifTrue: [savedCursor _ sensor currentCursor. self changeCursor: Cursor fourWay. [sensor redButtonPressed] whileTrue: [oldMarker _ marker. oldXMarker _ xMarker. marker _ marker translateBy: 0@((sensor cursorPoint y - marker center y min: scrollBar inside bottom - marker bottom) max: scrollBar inside top - marker top). xMarker _ xMarker translateBy: ((sensor cursorPoint x - xMarker center x min: xScrollBar inside right - xMarker right) max: xScrollBar inside left - xMarker left) @ 0. (oldMarker areasOutside: marker), (marker areasOutside: oldMarker), (oldXMarker areasOutside: xMarker), (xMarker areasOutside: oldXMarker) do: [:region | Display fill: region rule: Form reverse mask: Form gray]. self scrollViewNoDisplay: self viewDelta. self xScrollView. scrollBar display. xScrollBar display. self moveMarker. self moveXMarker]. savedCursor show]! xScrollAbsolute | oldMarker | self changeCursor: Cursor xMarker. self canXScroll & sensor anyButtonPressed ifTrue: [[sensor anyButtonPressed] whileTrue: [oldMarker _ xMarker. xMarker _ xMarker translateBy: ((sensor cursorPoint x - xMarker center x min: xScrollBar inside right - xMarker right) max: xScrollBar inside left - xMarker left) @ 0. (oldMarker areasOutside: xMarker), (xMarker areasOutside: oldMarker) do: [:region | Display fill: region rule: Form reverse mask: Form gray]]. self xScrollView. xScrollBar display. self moveXMarker]! ! XAxisScrollController subclass: #GraphHolderController instanceVariableNames: 'scrollBox selection selectionMenu ' classVariableNames: 'YellowButtonMenu ' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! GraphHolderController comment: 'As a subclass of XAxisScrollController I provide X and Y axis scrolling. In addition, I provide ''smooth'' scrolling by red button dragging of the mouse. I also am capable of responding to red button clicks to select an element of the display if I have a menu to activate for selections. The menu is initialized by my selectionMenu: message which takes an ActionMenu as its argument. The message selectors included with the ActionMenu must be messages that the objects which make up the graph respond to. My instance variables: scrollBox <Rectangle> My scrollBox represents the area of the display which is visible on the screen. It is in local view coordinates. selection <GraphNode> If an element of the display has been selected by clicking the mouse red button on it, it is saved here. selectionMenu <Array of (PopUpMenu, Array of message selectors)> The yellow button menu to be activated when a selection has been made and the yellow button is pressed. Menu messages are sent to the object field of the selected GraphNode. If selectionMenu is nil the window does not respond to red button clicks (although red button scrolling is still available). '! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'initialize-release'! initialize "I use an ActionMenu rather than a PopUpMenu so no yellowButtonMessages are needed." yellowButtonMenu _ YellowButtonMenu. scrollBox _ 0@0 extent: 0@0. super initialize! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'accessing'! scrollBox: aRectangle "My scrollBox is a Rectangle which pans over the virtual display of my model. My view looks through my scrollBox at the model. Normally, my window would perform this function, but windows get scaled and I required an unscaled scrollBox." scrollBox _ Rectangle origin: 0@0 extent: aRectangle extent! selection ^selection! selectionMenu: anActionMenu selectionMenu _ anActionMenu! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'basic control sequence'! controlInitialize selection == nil ifFalse: [self darkHighlightSelection]. super controlInitialize! controlTerminate selection == nil ifFalse: [self dimHighlightSelection]. super controlTerminate! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'control defaults'! controlActivity | cursorPoint xlate newSelection | sensor redButtonPressed ifTrue: [sensor leftShiftDown | (selectionMenu == nil) ifTrue: [^self xAndYScrollAbsolute]. cursorPoint _ (sensor cursorPoint translateBy: scrollBox origin - view displayTransformation translation - model offset) rounded. newSelection _ model selectNodeAt: cursorPoint. self setSelection: newSelection. newSelection == nil ifTrue: [self xAndYScrollAbsolute] ifFalse: [[sensor redButtonPressed & self isControlActive] whileTrue]]. super controlActivity! isControlActive ^sensor blueButtonPressed not and: [super isControlActive]! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'menu messages'! fileOutGraph "Produce a PostScript file which will make a hardcopy version of my model." | aStream | Cursor write showWhile: [aStream _ FileStream fileNamed: 'diagps.script'. model psStoreOn: aStream. aStream close]! localMenuItem: aSelector ^ #( #mvcInspect #fileOutGraph ) includes: aSelector! menuMessageReceiver selection == nil ifTrue: [^self] ifFalse: [sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [^selection] ifFalse: [^selection object]]! mvcInspect self controlTerminate. sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [view superView inspect] ifFalse: [view inspect]! yellowButtonActivity "Determine which item in the yellow button pop-up menu is selected. If one is selected, then send the corresponding message to the object designated as the menu message receiver." | index selector | yellowButtonMenu == nil ifFalse: [index _ yellowButtonMenu startUpYellowButton. index ~= 0 ifTrue: [selector _ yellowButtonMenu selectorAt: index. (self localMenuItem: selector) ifTrue: [self perform: selector] ifFalse: [self controlTerminate. selector numArgs = 1 ifTrue: [self menuMessageReceiver perform: selector with: model] ifFalse: [self menuMessageReceiver perform: selector]. self controlInitialize]]]! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'marker adjustment'! computeMarkerRegion ^Rectangle origin: 0 @ 0 extent: 10 @ ((scrollBox height asFloat / view boundingBox height asFloat * scrollBar inside height) rounded min: scrollBar inside height)! computeXMarkerRegion ^Rectangle origin: 0 @ 0 extent: ((scrollBox width asFloat / view boundingBox width asFloat * xScrollBar inside width) rounded min: xScrollBar inside width) @ 10! markerDelta ^marker top - scrollBar inside top - (scrollBox top - view boundingBox top asFloat / view boundingBox height asFloat * scrollBar inside height asFloat) rounded! xMarkerDelta ^xMarker left - xScrollBar inside left - (scrollBox left - view boundingBox left asFloat / view boundingBox width asFloat * xScrollBar inside width asFloat) rounded! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'scrolling'! scrollAmount ^(sensor cursorPoint - scrollBar inside topCenter) y! scrollBy: amount scrollBox _ scrollBox translateBy: amount! scrollView: anInteger "If anInteger is not zero, scroll by anInteger amount." | min max amount | max _ view boundingBox top - scrollBox top min: 0. min _ view boundingBox bottom - scrollBox bottom max: 0. amount _ (anInteger negated max: max) min: min. amount ~= 0 ifTrue: [self scrollBy: 0 @ amount. view clearInside. view display]! scrollViewNoDisplay: anInteger | min max amount | max _ view boundingBox top - scrollBox top min: 0. min _ view boundingBox bottom - scrollBox bottom max: 0. amount _ (anInteger negated max: max) min: min. amount ~= 0 ifTrue: [self scrollBy: 0 @ amount]! scrollViewXY: aPoint | amount ymax ymin xmax xmin | ymax _ view boundingBox top - scrollBox top min: 0. ymin _ view boundingBox bottom - scrollBox bottom max: 0. xmax _ view boundingBox left - scrollBox left min: 0. xmin _ view boundingBox right - scrollBox right max: 0. amount _ Point x: ((aPoint x negated max: xmax) min: xmin) rounded y: ((aPoint y negated max: ymax) min: ymin) rounded. amount ~= (0@0) ifTrue: [self scrollBy: amount. view clearInside. view display]! viewDelta "Answer an integer that indicates how much the view should be scrolled. The scroll bar has been moved and now the view must be so the amount to scroll is computed as a ratio of the current scroll bar position." ^scrollBox top - view boundingBox top - ((marker top - scrollBar top) asFloat / scrollBar height asFloat * view boundingBox height asFloat) rounded! viewXDelta "Answer an integer that indicates how much the view should be scrolled. The scroll bar has been moved and now the view must be so the amount to scroll is computed as a ratio of the current scroll bar position." ^scrollBox left - view boundingBox left - ((xMarker left - xScrollBar left) asFloat / xScrollBar width asFloat * view boundingBox width asFloat) rounded! xScrollAmount ^(sensor cursorPoint - scrollBar inside leftCenter) x! xScrollView: anInteger "If anInteger is not zero, scroll by anInteger amount." | min max amount | max _ view boundingBox left - scrollBox left min: 0. min _ view boundingBox right - scrollBox right max: 0. amount _ (anInteger negated max: max) min: min. amount ~= 0 ifTrue: [self scrollBy: amount @ 0. view clearInside. view display]! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'displaying'! displayOn: aDisplayMedium transformation: aDisplayTransformation clippingBox: clippingBox rule: ruleInteger mask: halfTone | location | location _ aDisplayTransformation applyTo: scrollBox origin x negated @ scrollBox origin y negated. model form displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: location clippingBox: clippingBox rule: ruleInteger mask: halfTone. selection == nil ifFalse: [self darkHighlightSelection]! ! !GraphHolderController methodsFor: 'private'! darkHighlightSelection | selectBox | selectBox _ (selection boundingBox translateBy: selection offset + model offset + view displayTransformation translation - scrollBox origin) rounded. (selection form) displayOn: Display at: (selectBox origin) clippingBox: (selectBox intersect: view insetDisplayBox) rule: 12 mask: Form black! deHighlightSelection | selectBox | selectBox _ (selection boundingBox translateBy: selection offset + model offset + view displayTransformation translation - scrollBox origin) rounded. (selection form) displayOn: Display at: (selectBox origin) clippingBox: (selectBox intersect: view insetDisplayBox) rule: Form over mask: Form black! dimHighlightSelection | selectBox newForm | selectBox _ (selection boundingBox translateBy: selection offset + model offset + view displayTransformation translation - scrollBox origin) rounded. newForm _ selection form deepCopy. newForm fill: (newForm boundingBox) rule: Form under mask: Form lightGray. newForm displayOn: Display at: (selectBox origin) clippingBox: (selectBox intersect: view insetDisplayBox) rule: Form over mask: Form black! setSelection: aGraphNode "Set the currently selected node to aGraphNode and set the yellowButtonMenu." selection == nil ifFalse: [self deHighlightSelection]. selection _ aGraphNode. selection == nil ifTrue: [yellowButtonMenu _ YellowButtonMenu] ifFalse: [self darkHighlightSelection. yellowButtonMenu _ selectionMenu]! xAndYScrollAbsolute | savedCursor oldMarker oldXMarker cursorPoint delta | ((self canXScroll or: [self canScroll]) and: [sensor redButtonPressed]) ifTrue: [savedCursor _ sensor currentCursor. self changeCursor: Cursor fourWay. cursorPoint _ sensor cursorPoint. [sensor redButtonPressed and: [self isControlActive]] whileTrue: [[(sensor cursorPoint - cursorPoint) abs < (1@1) and: [sensor redButtonPressed]] whileTrue. delta _ cursorPoint. delta _ (cursorPoint _ sensor cursorPoint) - delta. self scrollViewXY: delta. self moveMarker. self moveXMarker]. savedCursor show]! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! GraphHolderController class instanceVariableNames: ''! !GraphHolderController class methodsFor: 'class initialization'! initialize "GraphController initialize." YellowButtonMenu _ ActionMenu labels: 'inspect\file out' withCRs selectors: #( #mvcInspect #fileOutGraph )! ! GraphHolderController initialize! View subclass: #GraphHolderView instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Grapher'! GraphHolderView comment: 'I provide a resizable View on graphical objects, without scaling the object. To do this I maintain the standard cooridinate transformations of View, but I use only a transformation with unit scaling for display purposes. Used as a subview of a StandardSystemView, I should be added via the addSubView:in:borderWidth: message to ensure proper rescaling during a resize operation. '! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'initialize-release'! release "If the #noform change protocol has been used, there is a circularity in the Graph so release it, too." model release. super release! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'window access'! defaultWindow ^model boundingBox! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'controller access'! defaultControllerClass ^GraphHolderController! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'display box access'! computeBoundingBox ^boundingBox _ model boundingBox! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'displaying'! display self isUnlocked ifTrue: [boundingBox _ nil. viewport _ nil. self controller scrollBox: self insetDisplayBox]. super display! displayView "We always want to see the Graph at unit scale." controller displayOn: Display transformation: self displayTransformation copy scaleOfOne clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox rule: Form over mask: Form black! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'updating'! update: how "Graph's change protocol includes #form and #noform. #form indicates that the view is actually displaying a Form and does not need to clear its inside during scrolling. #noform indicates that the Graph is being redisplayed each time the View scrolls, and the View must clear its inside before redisplaying the Graph. The boundingBox is always reset because the size of the Graph changed." how == #form ifTrue: [boundingBox _ nil. self insideColor: nil. ^self]. how == #noform ifTrue: [boundingBox _ nil. self insideColor: Form white. ^self]! ! !GraphHolderView methodsFor: 'model access'! erase "I replace the current model with a model constructed of the EmptyGraph." model isEmpty ifFalse: [ self replaceModel: (GraphHolder createEmpty)]! replaceModel: newModel "I replace the model in the view with a new model." self model: newModel. self update: #noform. self clearInside. self display! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! GraphHolderView class instanceVariableNames: ''! !GraphHolderView class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! openOn: roots label: labelString "Create a Graph viewing the DAG rooted in roots. Label the GraphView with labelString. The default lay out is horizontal. See the comment in GraphView" self openOn: roots label: labelString format: #( #horizontal )! openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols "By default, Graph windows do not respond to mouse clicks (except for the yellow button menu)." self openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols menu: nil! openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols menu: anActionMenu "The default messages used to build a graph are #children and #graphLabel. #children returns a Colleciton of child nodes. #graphLabel returns a Text to be used as the label in the GraphView." self openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols menu: anActionMenu childrenMsg: #children labelMsg: #graphLabel! openOn: roots label: labelString format: formatSymbols menu: actionMenu childrenMsg: childrenMsg labelMsg: labelMsg self open: (self createModel: roots children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg format: formatSymbols) label: labelString menu: actionMenu! ! !GraphHolderView class methodsFor: 'private'! createModel: roots children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg format: formatSymbols | aGraph | aGraph _ GraphHolder createForestWithRoots: roots children: childrenMsg label: labelMsg. aGraph layout: formatSymbols. ^aGraph! open: aGraph label: labelString menu: anActionMenu "Open a scrollable, resizeable view displaying the data structure in aGraph. To make the elements sensitive to mouse clicks anActionMenu non nil. The message selected from the menu will be sent to the selected element. If anActionMenu is nil mouse clicks are ignored." | formView topView | formView _ self new model: aGraph. formView controller selectionMenu: anActionMenu. topView _ StandardSystemView new label: labelString. topView borderWidth: 1. topView insideColor: Form white. "formView is added as follows to ensure proper scaling of the view when the topView is resized (via 'frame')." topView addSubView: formView in: (0@0 extent: 1@1) borderWidth: 1. topView controller open! ! #('FourWay' 'LeftCursor' 'RightCursor' 'XMarkerCursor') do: [ :var | Cursor addClassVarName: var].! !Cursor class methodsFor: 'constants'! fourWay "Answer the instance of me that is the shape of four connected arrows." ^FourWay! ! !Cursor class methodsFor: 'constants'! left "Answer the instance of me that is the shape of an arrow facing to the left." ^LeftCursor! ! !Cursor class methodsFor: 'constants'! right "Answer the instance of me that is the shape of an arrow facing to the right." ^RightCursor! ! !Cursor class methodsFor: 'constants'! xMarker "Answer the instance of me that is displayed when thumb-scrolling on the x-axis." ^XMarkerCursor! ! !Cursor class methodsFor: 'class initialization'! initialize "Create all the standard cursors Cursor blank Cursor corner Cursor crossHair Cursor down Cursor execute Cursor fourWay Cursor left Cursor marker Cursor normal Cursor origin Cursor read Cursor right Cursor square Cursor up Cursor wait Cursor write Cursor xMarker" OriginCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1111111111111111 2r1111111111111111 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000) offset: -2@-2). CornerCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r0000000000000011 2r1111111111111111 2r1111111111111111) offset: -14@-14). ReadCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000110000000110 2r0001001000001001 2r0001001000001001 2r0010000000010000 2r0100000000100000 2r1111101111100000 2r1000010000100000 2r1000010000100000 2r1011010110100000 2r0111101111000000 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0) offset: 0@0). WriteCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000000000000110 2r0000000000001111 2r0000000000010110 2r0000000000100100 2r0000000001001000 2r0000000010010000 2r0000000100100000 2r0000001001000011 2r0000010010000010 2r0000100100000110 2r0001001000001000 2r0010010000001000 2r0111100001001000 2r0101000010111000 2r0110000110000000 2r1111111100000000) offset: 0@0). WaitCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1111111111111111 2r1000000000000001 2r0100000000000010 2r0010000000000100 2r0001110000111000 2r0000111101110000 2r0000011011100000 2r0000001111000000 2r0000001111000000 2r0000010110100000 2r0000100010010000 2r0001000110001000 2r0010001101000100 2r0100111111110010 2r1011111111111101 2r1111111111111111) offset: 0@0). BlankCursor _ Cursor new. XeqCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1000000000010000 2r1100000000010000 2r1110000000111000 2r1111000111111111 2r1111100011000110 2r1111110001000100 2r1111111001111100 2r1111000001101100 2r1101100011000110 2r1001100010000010 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000011000000000 2r0000011000000000 2r0000001100000000 2r0000001100000000) offset: 0@0). SquareCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0000001111000000 2r0000001111000000 2r0000001111000000 2r0000001111000000 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0) offset: -8@-8). NormalCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1000000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1110000000000000 2r1111000000000000 2r1111100000000000 2r1111110000000000 2r1111111000000000 2r1111100000000000 2r1111100000000000 2r1001100000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000011000000000 2r0000011000000000 2r0000001100000000 2r0000001100000000) offset: 0@0). CrossHairCursor _ (Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r1111111111111110 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0) offset: -7@-7). MarkerCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0000001000000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001111100000 2r1111111111111000 2r1111111111111110 2r1111111111111000 2r0000001111100000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001000000000 2r0 2r0 2r0 2r0) offset: -7@-7. UpCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1000000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1110000000000000 2r1111000000000000 2r1111100000000000 2r1111110000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000 2r1100000000000000) offset: 0@-7. DownCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r1111110000000000 2r0111110000000000 2r0011110000000000 2r0001110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000010000000000) offset: -5@-7. LeftCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r1111111111111111 2r0111111111111111 2r0011110000000000 2r0001110000000000 2r0000110000000000 2r0000010000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000) offset: -7@0. RightCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000000000100000 2r0000000000110000 2r0000000000111000 2r0000000000111100 2r1111111111111110 2r1111111111111111 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000 2r0000000000000000) offset: -7@-5. XMarkerCursor _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000011111000000 2r0000011111000000 2r0000111111100000 2r0000111111100000 2r0001111111110000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000001110000000) offset: -7@-7. FourWay _ Cursor extent: 16@16 fromArray: #( 2r0000000100000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000011111000000 2r0000111111100000 2r0001001110010000 2r0011001110011000 2r0111111111111100 2r1111111111111110 2r0111111111111100 2r0011001110011000 2r0001001110010000 2r0000111111100000 2r0000011111000000 2r0000001110000000 2r0000000100000000 2r0000000000000000) offset: -7@-7. "Cursor initialize"! ! Cursor initialize.!