[can.ai] Introducing AI at Toronto

tsotsos (02/26/83)

As a first entry to the new can.ai newsgroup, I'd like to introduce
the AI group at the University of Toronto. I would encourage such
introductions by all other research groups. In order to increase
communication amongst AI researchers in Canada, our first task is to 
make each other aware that we exist.
The following documents the current status of the AI group here, and lists
the faculty members and graduate students who are actively involved, and gives
several possible avenues for communication.

AI Research at the University of Toronto

MAILING ADDRESS:  Dept. of Computer Science,
                  10 King's College Rd.,
                  University of Toronto,
                  Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A4

UUCP PATH: utcsrgv!login-name  

TELEPHONE PREFIX: 416-978-local



Jepson, Alan            6324    jepson      applied math, vision
Mylopoulos, John        5180    jm          knowledge representation, 
                                              applications to data bases
Perrault, C.R.          8747    perrault    language understanding, planning
Tsotsos, John K.        3619    tsotsos     vision, medical expert systems
Winslow, James          3618    winslow     biological computation, vision

Graduate Students

Gullen, Andrew P.       6270    gullen      too early to say
Delgrande, James P.	5182	jim	    learning, discovery
Patel-Schneider, Peter	5182	pfps	    semantic nets
Jenkin, Michael         7321    jenkin      vision, graphics
Ali, Yawar		7321	yali	    language understanding
Greenspan, Sol          4299    sol         knowledge representation in
                                               Software Engineering
Cohen, Robin            4299    robin       computational linguistics
Gershon, Ron            7321    gershon     vision
Lakemeyer, Gerhard      8700    gerhard     knowledge representation
Shibahara, Tetsutaro	7321	taro	    Medical and Industrial Applications
						Expert systems
Richards, Douglas       4642    richards    medical expert systems
Barron, John            5182    barron      vision
Chung, Lawrence         7321    chung       applications to information systems
Da Vittoria Lobo, Niels 8700    niels       vision, motion perception
Di Marco, Chrysanne     6986    dimarco     applications to information systems
Down, Brian             6270    bdown       vision
Fleet, David            8700    fleet       vision
Kramer, Bryan           4299    kramer      knowledge representation
Lesperance, Yves                lesperan    knowledge representation
Leung, Tim              7321    tleung      knowledge representation
Meyers, Hugh            6027    meyers      knowledge representation
Muzumdar, Ash                   muzumdar    medical applications of AI
Nixon, Brian            6270    nixon       knowledge representation
Snarr, Victoria         8700    vsnarr      computational linguistics
Marcus, Howard          4299    marcus      vision
Anderson, Ken           4642    anderson    medical expert systems
Pilote, Michel          8700    mpilote     knowledge representation