[can.ai] NRC Institute

mack@ubc-visi.UUCP (11/22/83)

     The Institute of Manufacturing Technology is a new  NRC
Research Laboratory to be located in Winnipeg.  The facility
is planned to be  in  operation  by  spring  of  1986.   The
research activities of this new laboratory will include com-
puter  aided  design,  robots   and   mechanisms,   sensors,
integrated  manufacturing,  and artifical intelligence, with
AI proposed as the largest core group in the laboratory.

     Staffing is expected to commence within the next couple
of months, the plan being to assist the start-up by locating
and integrating these new researchers into related  research
activities  of existing laboratories in NRC, Ottawa and pos-
sibly elsewhere.  The current plan includes the accomodation
of  up  to 6 researchers in NRC/DEE in the field of AI, with
emphasis  in  knowledge  representation,   expert   systems,
knowledge  based  sensory interpretation (primarily vision),
and planning and decision making.  Computer facility support
consists  of  several  VAX  computers, (or equivalent) and a
LISP machine (on order).   The  related  activities  include
graphics,   image  processing,  vision  sensor  development,
intelligent robotics and computer assisted training.   Simi-
lar  opportunities  in  other  areas  such  as CAD/CAM, FMS,
micro- processor control, etc., will also be available.

     In advance of the commencement of the  formal  staffing
process,  potential  candidates  could  forward  a letter of
enquiry re. employment (with CV) to  V.P.  Regional  Labora-
tories NRC, Bldg M-58, Montreal Rd., Ottawa, K1A 0R8.

     This information comes from Nestor Burtnyk, Head of the
Computer Graphics Section, NRC.