[can.ai] Canadian A.I. Newsletter -- Call for submissions

gh@utai.UUCP (Graeme Hirst) (06/05/84)

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                         Call for submissions
             A R T I F I C I A L   I N T E L L I G E N C E

                      (Published by CSCSI/SCEIO)

The Canadian A.I. Newsletter invites submissions from Canada, the U.S., and the
rest of the world of any item relevant to artificial intelligence:

        -- Articles of general interest.
        -- Abstracts of recent publications, theses, and technical reports.
        -- Descriptions of current research and courses at a given institution.
        -- Reports of recent conferences, workshops and the like.
        -- Announcements of forthcoming conferences and other activities.
        -- Calls for papers.
        -- Book reviews (and books for review).
        -- Announcements of new A.I. companies and products.
        -- Opinions, counterpoints, polemic, and controversy.
        -- Humour, cartoons, artwork.
        -- Advertisements (rates upon request).
        -- Anything else concerned with A.I.

Please send submissions, either physical or electronic, to the editor:
   Graeme Hirst
   Department of Computer Science
   University of Toronto
   Toronto, CANADA  M5S 1A4

   Phone: 416-978-6277/6025
   CSNET: cscsi@toronto                 ARPANET: cscsi.toronto@csnet-relay
   UUCP:  utcsrgv!cscsi (connections to allegra, cornell, decvax, decwrl,
            deepthot, drea, floyd, garfield, hcr, ihnp4, linus, mbcsd,
            mcgill-vision, musocs, qucis, sask, ubc-vision, utzoo, uw-beaver,
            watmath, and many other sites)


The Canadian A.I. Newsletter is sent to all members of CSCSI/SCEIO, the
Canadian artificial intelligence society.  To join, write to CIPS (which
administers membership matters for the society) with the appropriate fee and a
covering note.  You need not be Canadian to be a member.
   243 College Street, 5th floor
   Toronto, CANADA  M5T 2Y1
Membership: $10 regular, $5 students (Canadian funds); there is a discount of
$2 for CIPS members.  Payment may be made in U.S. dollars at the current rate
of exchange.