[can.ai] Canadian AI society and publications

gh@utai.UUCP (Graeme Hirst) (04/07/85)

Recent messages in the newsgroup suggest that many people in Canada don't
know about Canadian artificial intelligence organizations or publications.
This item is a corrective measure.

* The Canadian A.I. society is CSCSI/SCEIO, which stands for the Canadian
Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence / Societe canadienne pour
l'etude d'intelligence par ordinateur.
    CSCSI/SCEIO is roughly the Canadian equivalent of AAAI (although,
interestingly, it is about five years older than AAAI).  It has about 600
members (which makes it, per capita, about the same size as AAAI).
    The Society publishes a magazine, CANADIAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (see
below), and sponsors the NRC journal COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: AN
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (also described below).
    The Society sponsors a conference every second year (the last was in
London, Ontario, last May), and a workshop on a special subject in other years.
This year's workshop is on Theoretical Issues in Natural Language
Understanding, and will be held in Halifax at the end of May (see next
message).  Next year's conference will be in Montreal.
    In addition, the Society represents AI in Canada to Government, and last
year completed a major survey of the state of AI research in the country.

    Membership in the Society is $20/year ($10/year for students).  Membership
includes a subscription to CANADIAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; in addition,
members may subscribe to COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE for $16 (regular price: $37
for individuals, $75 for libraries).  The Society's administration is done by
CIPS, and CIPS members get a $5 discount. To join, write to: CIPS, 243 College
Street (5th floor), Toronto M5T 2Y1.

* CANADIAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is a quarterly magazine published by the
Society.  It includes news of AI in Canada, reports of Canadian AI projects,
abstracts of Canadian technical reports, announcements, advertisements, etc.
The most recent issue (March), included a 24-page supplement on the Canadian
Fifth Generation Research Society's proposal for a 5G research project in
    Subscriptions are included with membership in the Society.
    I have a small number of free sample copies that I could send to the first
few people who ask for them.

* COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE is a new quarterly research journal published by
the National Research Council's journal branch under CSCSI/SCEIO sponsorship.
The journal is comparable in scope and style to ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  The
first issue has just come out.
  Subscriptions are $37 for people, $75 for libraries, and $10 for postage
outside Canada.  However, CSCSI/SCEIO members may subscribe for $16, which
means the discount is greater than the cost of society membership.

three-day workshop includes many well-known researchers from Canada, the U.S.,
and Europe.  I have posted details as a separate message.

\\\\   Graeme Hirst    University of Toronto	Computer Science Department
////   utcsri!utai!gh  /  gh.toronto@csnet-relay  /  416-978-8747