[can.ai] "Canadian Artificial Intelligence", deadline approaches

gh@utai.UUCP (Graeme Hirst) (10/18/85)

The recent issue of "Canadian Artificial Intelligence" should now have been
received by all subscribers, and already the deadline for the next issue

The closing date for the next issue of "Canadian Artificial Intelligence"
magazine is 7th November.  Please send articles, news items, abstracts of
recent TRs, annoucements, etc., to the address below.  Electronic submissions
are preferred.

	Graeme Hirst, Editor
	Department of Computer Science
	University of Toronto
	Toronto, Ont  M5S 1A4

	...!utcsri!utai!gh	gh@toronto.csnet

[To subscribe to "Canadian Artificial Intelligence", an official publication of
CSCSI, the Canadian AI society, send $20 (students, $10) to CSCSI, c/o CIPS,
243 College Street, Toronto  M5T 2Y1.]

\\\\   Graeme Hirst    University of Toronto	Computer Science Department
////   utcsri!utai!gh  /  gh.toronto@csnet-relay  /  416-978-8747