[net.bugs.usg] basename

hugh@hcrvx1.UUCP (Hugh Redelmeier) (08/15/85)

Under System V the "suffix" operand of basename is a regular expression
(under V7 and 4.2BSD it is a literal string).  Unfortunately, this is
*not* mentioned in the manual.  The most common use of basename is
to strip suffixes beginning with dot; if the programmer fails to
quote the dot twice (once for the shell, and once for basename's
pattern matcher) it will match any character.  Thus
	basename cccc .c
There is a slight hint in the manual in that the sample use of
basename has the required quoting (and thus should not work!).

Since System V's basename is implemented as a shell script, I
guess dollar signs in suffix must be quoted three times.  On the
other hand, you can read the code even if you do not have a source

Hugh Redelmeier (416) 922-1937
{utzoo, ihnp4, decvax}!hcr!hugh

jsp@icdoc.UUCP (Jan-Simon Pendry) (08/22/85)

In article <1217@hcrvx1.UUCP> hugh@hcrvx1.UUCP (Hugh Redelmeier) writes:
>Under System V the "suffix" operand of basename is a regular expression
> ... if the programmer fails to
>quote the dot twice (once for the shell, and once for basename's
>pattern matcher) it will match any character.  Thus
>	basename cccc .c
>	cc

Not on my System V machines!  The example above prints "cccc".
Of course - it could be the particular implementation but I see no
need for a manufacturer to alter a shell script.  [The software
is based on SysVr2 for Vax.]
Jan-Simon Pendry

gwyn@brl-tgr.ARPA (08/28/85)

> In article <1217@hcrvx1.UUCP> hugh@hcrvx1.UUCP (Hugh Redelmeier) writes:
> >Under System V the "suffix" operand of basename is a regular expression
> > ... if the programmer fails to
> >quote the dot twice (once for the shell, and once for basename's
> >pattern matcher) it will match any character.  Thus
> >	basename cccc .c
> >yields
> >	cc
> Not on my System V machines!  The example above prints "cccc".
> Of course - it could be the particular implementation but I see no
> need for a manufacturer to alter a shell script.  [The software
> is based on SysVr2 for Vax.]

Funny; "basename" version 1.4 (SVR2 VAX) has the problem Hugh reported.