[net.bizarre] bizarre summary

chrise@ihlpl.UUCP (Chris Edmonds) (08/03/85)

For all of you out there who wonder what's been happening on net.bizarre
I present a summary, for those who hate out of place postings, I present

     Kate Bush is not spattered all over the walls of UCB.  at the end
     of the hall may have the rest of the day off.  In doubt?  Eat hot
     high-speed death -- the experts' choice in gastric vileness !  I
     suggest we spell it, "occurences." left has an UZI submachine gun
     concealed in his attache case.  Also in Anyone who attended a
     meeting this morning we port Unix to the disk.  Why not?  Has
     anybody done this?  >Anybody got suggestions for a better
     description?  with bright orange paint.  This is what happens when
     you don't know how to use 'vi'...  to take a stab at explaining the
     arcane code and meaning behind them?  Have a Nice Day.  lawns over
     to this group too???  Ooooooh, this may get exciting!  Wiretap is
     the childrens' computer. They run it with my supervision.  keeper
     of the lists himself(For those of you unaware of his position).
     The function's truly strange behavior may be easier to see the
     first three digits matching (these are usually for the leftover zip
     there's an oportunity to construct a bizarre loop lurking close by.
     but the N.BSP (Net.Bizarre Secret Police) will have to pay you a
     can't fight in here, this is the WAR ROOM!" Oh yeah!  actual
     characters, ASCII or EBCDIC is purely coincidental.  There may be
     more, but those are the ones I know.  enough.  It may even be an
     odd occurrence.  his ten-foot blowgun, a kosher pickle, and a used
     but $149 per Couple harboring political refugees.  The problems are
     exacerbated by the a standard sugar-glazed one a girl gave me in
     H.S. in my locker, as a small Fozzie saw it happen once, when the
     "authorities" caught up if possible.  Let's make it amusing.  And
     no, Mister Rios, nothing too marsupial. Talking marsupials, as a
     class, originated background or on the radio or something. However,
     I DO have the soundtrck, in the NYC water supply.  It turns out
     that the investigators (some government envelope, mind you) with 22
     cent stamps!!  Talk about a bizarre (and more appropriately,
     victim!) unlocks the Computer Center. For some odd reason, MUSK
     SCENTED DOUCHE !!!!!!! with the blue shirt.  decomposes. a micro-
     wave oven is turned on,'' said Steiger.   The experts pointed out
     tell him this is a TARDIS, not a "Way-Back Machine".  wouldn't get
     unstuck from the plate.  Pradip blew a smoke ring in the air. She
     finished taking off her clothes.  Oh...you mean the very
     intelligent looking guy over there? Oh yes, I see him.  after all
     he has the time to post to net.bizarre and he can't even mail me
     *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** which has been
     published in various editions since 1899.  For those of you the
     glass doors have been painted red from the inside! A quick strut to
     his steps.  Roman who happens to be coming out of DS is stunned by
     the sight that have fallen to the floor. Actually, the whole video
     is quite bizarre.  Is dere any one out dere who kin give some
     insight as whut should appear an undeniably sexually explicit
     image?  nylon on the bottom of her foot.  It took her >1 hour to
     remove the slime from toilet paper?  Who would buy it?  They are
     doing somehting similar in Buffalo at the Erie County I think,
     therefore I spam.  Strange opposings and recurrences of odd ports.
     his office at Indian Hill Main at around eight thirty in the day
     after Monday, and Thursday no one works, because it's the day

Chris Edmonds @ AT&T - whatever, Naperville, IL, ...ihnp4!ihlpl!chrise

This may represent my employers opinion, but I doubt it.