[net.bizarre] Random ASCII collections :

uggworek@sunybcs.UUCP (Don Gworek) (08/02/85)

Call me a no-fun miserable person, but could net.bizarre
be reserved to postings of funny pictures and unusual

An outlet already exists for humorless random collections
of ASCII characters, and that outlet is called net.jokes.

	--The Grinch

fred@gymble.UUCP (Fred Blonder) (08/03/85)

	From: uggworek@sunybcs.UUCP (Don Gworek)
	Newsgroups: net.bizarre
	Subject: Random ASCII collections :-(

	Call me a no-fun miserable person, but could net.bizarre be
	reserved to postings of funny pictures and unusual programs?

No. It's for funny programs and unusual pictures.
All characters mentioned herein are fictitious. Any similarity to
actual characters, ASCII or EBCDIC is purely coincidental.

						Fred Blonder (301) 454-7690