[net.bizarre] More posts that belong here...

jeand@ihlpg.UUCP (AMBAR) (08/12/85)

This was spotted in net.micro.....

> > Another inertia related problem occurred on some of the older timesharing
> > systems (SDS 940 comes to mind).  Programs would have a tendency to keep
> > running after they were swapped out to the disc.  Sometimes it was really
> > tough to figure out what the program counter really should be when they
> > were swapped back in!
> > 		Tom Crawford
> Seriously now, the program counter was swapped out along with the memory
> image and the value to set it to was read back in with the memory image.
> That the program counter had changed along with the memory image was of
> no consequence.  I do remember one poor fellow who had a job swapped out
> which had accumilated a lot of time and during this time the disk motor failed.
> When the motor was repaired it was wired backwards and the disk ran backwards
> This was done on a friday and the machine was left with the backward running
> disk over the weekend until the problem was finally corrected the following
> monday.  When the disk was finally set straight the poor fellow has lost all
> of his accumilated cpu time and the job restarted from nearly the beginning.

This is nuttier than most of the stuff on net.bizarre.  I'm envious!

"I told you when I *MET* you that I was crazy, and you weren't listening!"