[net.bizarre] >>> PUBLIC ALERT! <<< Wake the kids, and call the neighbors

aims@ssc-vax.UUCP (John Daley) (08/20/85)

A recent siting of the dreaded killer, the TIGER slug, has prompted national
The tiger slug is capable if consuming an entire garden, flowerbed, or even
an entire vegetable/fruit stand in one slimy gulp.  If you are unaware of
what this demon looks like, keep the following photo handy for quick
                                             0     0
                                              \   /
                                             . o o .      __________
                                            . VVVVV .    O        |
     .:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%::: ^^^^^ .   -|-       6'
    .:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%::::.     |       MAN
   .:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::%:::::( ):::%::::.     / \_______|_
 .  .
 .   .....
  .       .....
   .            ...............
    .                            ................
     . ...  . .                                   .
                  ...... ...... .   . .  .  .  .     <-- invisible trail

please do not confuse this beast with the 'conventional' bananananana slug
The most recent siting of the tiger slug is in Granite Falls, Washington
(sort of a suburb of Seattle) (so it's 52 miles north east, big deal)

There is no way to kill one of these, just stock up on salt, rock salt,
block salt, and salty foods.  Lay out the 'salt' supply around your home
and outlying areas of your neithborhood as this will deter him from you.


From the merciless keys of Ray Saddler
Nothing I say here is to be held against the Boeing company,
It's not their fault!
                              Ray E. Saddler III
                              Boeing Aerospace Company
                              CAD Support and Administration
                              Seattle, Washington
                              Somewhere in the universe
                              lost in space.....