[net.bizarre] Most non-bizarre postings and people

sam@bu-cs.UUCP (Shelli Meyers) (09/12/85)

Since "Miss Manners," as someone once so aptly coined her, is
constantly reminding us which articles she deems unbizarre, I
say we should go all out.  Let's have a LEAST BIZARRE PERSON
contest.  I personally nominate Judith Abrams, who's repeated
admonishments I find as bizarre as the graph of x = 0.  As a
prize, I'd like to award her a lifetime supply of pinapple and
Canadian bacon pizzas, and some deep dish w/saurkraut pizza
from Shane P. McCarron as an added bonus.

On behalf of Joe Szep, here at Boston University, we'd also
like to nominate Rich Rosen.  His flaming of what is a very serious
and formidable programming language (Punk Programming Language) may
have been bizarre in itself, but for Rich, flaming is so run of the
mill that I'd start to think it bizarre if he ever stopped.
As a prize we could have him test out a giant version of one of those
sticky mouse traps....

Claimer: Most of the things I say here, my boss has already thought of.

"Ya know, I really *love* a phone tent."
Shelli Meyers
UUCP: ...!harvard!bu-cs!sam
ARPA: sam%bu-cs.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa