krahl@druky.UUCP (Rich Krahl) (09/16/85)
This is a true story by the way...and it has nothing to do with bizarre street
names, schools, etc.
A MOTOS told me a story last night I thought quite bizarre. She said she had
a 'mouse' problem in her house. One evening her roommates and herself spotted
one running behind the TV set. They had it trapped along the wall -- and it
was going back and forth until it was flushed out. She was standing away from
the *action* (since she's horrified of any varmits) and when flushed out, the
mouse ran right across her foot. Her roommate dropped a phone book on her foot
in an attempt to terminate the cute little furry creature. For a moment, it
seemed as if the mouse had disappeared. Then, all of the sudden, she realized
somehow that the mouse had ran up her leg--and was running around in her jeans.
She went out of her mind, screaming madly, and dropped her jeans instantly. Her
roommates were laughing as the mouse jumped out when the jeans hit the floor.
She was so terrified, she said she was still screaming 5 minutes later and had
nightmares that night. The bizarre thing she couldn't figure out was how the
mouse got up her leg? She said her jeans were pretty tight. She hadn't
realized the mouse was up her jeans until she felt it running across her butt.
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| N K Z | No Krahl Zone !!!
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--- ..!ihnp4!drutx!druky!krahl