[net.bizarre] Back Despite Popular Demand....

jts@bu-cs.UUCP (Joe Szep) (09/25/85)


Time to catch up on things....

Hey Mankowski - Ever hear of      "Plate O' Shrimp"?

Homeboys are actually space aliens who have invaded net.bizarre
and are trying to bore us all to death with their non-bizarre,
non-humourous and irrelevant commentaries on stupid highway signs,
towns, streets, and pet names.

Net.Bizarre Mascot:  Bill the Cat    He sez it all:  Oop aach!

Real men put sweatsocks over their tools and later devour them
after taking a good wiz...

Did you know that automobile air conditioning was invented by
two jewish guys, Norm and Max BiLev?

You hear it here first department:
	"Hey man, what's shaking?"
	"Mexico City"

The reason slugs have only one hole in their sides is they are
actually Klein bottles.  The fifth dimension is now rapidly filling
up with salt.

"If your gods aren't dead, then what's stinking up infinity?"

Don't look here, the joke's in your .signature....