[net.bizarre] Politics and PeeWee's Big Adventure

emneufeld@water.UUCP (Eric Neufeld) (09/27/85)

Two bizarre clippings:

'Pravda', August 7, 1985:

 ... As the Soviet Union continues to produce a thriving, dynamic art of
socialist realism, reflecting the thriving ideology of Marxism-Leninism
which guides all aspects of life in the Soviet Union, art in the
imperialist and capitalist countries reflects their dying and decadent
economic base.

As a typical example of imperialist death culture, consider the film
'The Big Pee-Wee Adventure' which was released this summer in the United
States and received great applause from such cultural compradors as the
Washington Post, who, eager to please their Hollywood masters, praised the
film to the skies.

Under the hoax of 'light entertainment', this film promotes
anti-consciousness and an unscientific world outlook.  The people of the
Soviet Union feel great solidarity with the progressive and democratic
forces amongst the ranks of ordinary Americans, and urge them to cast aside
this decadent entertainment, designed only to divert the great masses of the
people from their struggle for genuine democracy and freedom ...

'Washington Post', August 12:

 ... Pravda criticizes us as 'cultural compradors ... eager to please their
Hollywood masters ... [who] praise[d] the film to the skies ...'

What can we say but:

