[can.politics] Evil Empires and defencelessness

banner@ubc-vision.CDN (Allen Banner) (04/02/85)

There was a course given here at UBC by Neil Kyle on "Psychological
Perspectives of the Threat of Nuclear War".  Perhaps if he offers it again
next year, Jim, you should take it...

A large part of our problem is this image of "evil empires" which is
commonly held by decision makers and people in general.  There are reasons
for this which are rooted in human behaviour..."mirror-imaging" where we
project undesireable characteristics (which we possess ourselves) onto an
opponent and justify our actions on the basis of this evidence of "evil".
In the case of the Soviets there is overwhelming evidence that they are no
more "evil" than we are...they are protecting their interests in the same
manner that we do.  It would be a large step in the right direction to
recognize that we all have an inherent "evil" in us...we all consider our
own personal interest to be more important than the interests of those
around us.  Promoting an "us/them" or "good guys/bad guys" image can only
aggravate the situation...the rhetoric which typically comes from the White
House is a good example.

That is not to say, however, that we do not need protection from individuals
and nations which do not perceive it to be in their best interest to be
neighbourly.  Historically, we have dealt with this with the threat of force
and war.  Now (with the marvels of human ingenuity and technology) we have
reached the point where our efforts to use force to "protect" ourselves will
most likely be suicidal.  Why is it not obvious to everyone (fortunately it
is to some) that we cannot continue to rely on this mechanism to provide for
our security?  Any "defense" that threatens us with extinction is NOT a
defense at all!  We need a substitute.  It won't be easy to work out such a
beast but all of our lives *depend* on it!  At least we should NOT continue
in the same direction like so many lemmings looking for some new and more
powerful weapons system to solve the problem for us...it won't...our present
situation is proof of that.  

Philosophical issues aside, SDI does not show any promise of achieving a
secure future for us all, or to reduce global tensions.  As such, it is not
a good "defense".  Our best "defense" is to develop a realization amongst
nations that, like it or not, we must live *together*, share *together* or
DIE *together*....let's get at it!

				Al Banner

P.S.  >If anyone can prove to me that we can drop all
      >of our defences and *not* suffer because of it then I will 
      >gladly agree to such measures. 

	Come on!...who is talking about "dropping our defenses"?  Let's get