[can.politics] A New Breed

morrison@ubc-cs.UUCP (Rick Morrison) (01/10/86)

Praise be! can.politics is back!

To keep it alive and well in the New Year, perhaps a few words on the
recent discussion of court challenges to a union's right to spend dues
on "social causes":

It seems to me that these challenges are symptomatic of the great surge
of the "I'm all right Jack" generation (previously the me generation,
but now into material rather than spiritual self-actualization).
Their archtype is the RUGGED INDIVIDUAL (RI). No matter that 
the RI inherits a society complete with:

	1. high standard of living
	2. public education, health, transportation, ... systems
	   providing RI with the training and environment
	   in which to *be* a RI
	3. private industry run by RIs and employing
	   large numbers of not-so-talented, motivated 
	   or rugged WORKERS,

the RI is self-made: His money is his own, and keep your
hands off it thank you very much.

RIs are never unemployed (if they were, then they couldn't
have been very rugged in the first place).

RIs favour the SIMPLE SOLUTION: If only we could get 
government, the unions, environmentalists, ... off the backs of all the
RIs out there, oh how wonderful the world would be.

RIs don't want to belong to unions: Unions are for SOCIALIST
WIMPS. They seldom complain about earning "union wages" (I wonder
where that term came from??), but they do object to being forced to belong
to the union or to pay dues. 

It's easy to be a RI when things are going your way.
In bad times, though, it's not always easy to *become* a RI.
That's why they're called RUGGED - it's a long climb 
up the rocky road to success: "You know, in the good old days, the
poor had *character*. Sure they had to work long hours for low wages and
in poor conditions. Sure they could be let go at a moment's notice.
But by God, they were FREE."

FREE is a very important word in the RI's vocabulary.
After VCR, BMW and RRSP it is the most important concept in any RI's 
ideological grab bag. For example, "There are too many people in this
country going for a FREE ride." "There is no FREE lunch."

It is very important to RIs that they not be required to pay for anything
that they don't want or can't see any immediate (read blatantly obvious)
use for. Because they are such individualists, however, they
often have difficulty *agreeing* on what they want. 
Seems everyone has his own idea about what to spend money 
on. This would be okay, except that even the most RUGGED 
INDIVIDUAL likes the things that only their amassed wealth
can buy. 

Pooling capital for the common good is a concept
that many RIs seem to have a lot of trouble with.
Its sort of like paying full price for a buffet dinner
when you're a vegetarian. RIs of course, are almost never vegetarians,
but I'm sure you get the point. For this reason, most RIs 
are not Libertarians as one would expect,
but vote Progressive Conservatives or Social Credit 
(Otto Jelinek is the quintessential RI. So is
Margaret Thatcher except that she is a woman and most RIs
believe women are too feminine to be truly rugged. Others
reconcile this apparent anomaly by subscribing to the
theory that Margaret Thatcher is really a man.)

So we see that despite their 
RUGGED INDIVIDUALism, RIs are not above banding together to ensure
that they come out on the positive side of any redistribution of
social wealth. Now, if pooling capital is a tough 
bullet to bite for the RI, 
the notion of redistribution of wealth is a veritable MX missile. 
Most RIs believe that the money they earn is THEIRS. Hard 
to imagine how anyone who takes such advantage of the benefits
of social organization could, but its true. In fact, they get
positively hostile if they don't get it ALL.

You might think that people who feel they are being so 
badly shafted would "take their marbles and 
go home" -- perhaps squat on some subsistence 
farm in Northern B.C., avoiding all contact with
a society that throws rules in their way. Or maybe you think that
those people who collect bottles from the trash cans in your
neighbourhood are RIs who threw in the towel.

You would be wrong. RIs view life as a game. Change the rules if you
can, but the object is always to maximize personal
wealth. You've seen the bumper sticker expressing the RI credo:
"The one with the most toys when he dies wins." 
Part of being a RI *is* winning this game and wealth can only be
measured relative to someone elses'. It is because of this
that a lot of RIs who have only *modest* wealth wish to see
that some people have *very little* indeed. This makes them
feel that they are doing all right in the game.

Nationally, RIs live for today, while being "great believers in the future."
Personally, they save for a rainy day and conserve. Paradoxical
you say? Paradox is the very nature of the RUGGED INDIVIDUAL.