[net.books] net.books v. net.sf-lovers

wdr (03/24/83)

There has been some discussion in net.books lately about whether science fictionbooks should be discussed there or in net.sf-lovers.

It appears we have two groups with intersecting domains:
net.sf-lovers : Science (&Speculative & Fantasy) Fiction Books, Movies, 
	rumours, conventions, trivia, etc.
net.books : literature, books, libraries, publishing, etc.

It is not true that all Science Fiction is not literature and that all
Literature is not science fiction.
<flame on>
people who disagree with the preceeding sentence should form 
<flame off>

The people who wish to discuss only the literature of Science Fiction will 
naturally gravitate to net.books, since net.sf-lovers covers such  a wide
range that limiting their reading to just literary discussion wears out the
'n' key. They are more likely to be interested in the remainder of net.books.

Suggestions to break net.sf-lovers into net.sf.trivia, net.sf.movies,
net.sf.books, net.sf=net.sf-lovers (and net.sf.movies.star-wars and 
net.sf.movies.star-trek have been suggested as well) have not been heeded. 

If the above schism in net.sf were to take place, perhaps net.sf.books could
be aliased to net.books.sf? Except that net.books traffic so far hasn't been
high enough to suggest splitting. so literary submissions to net.sf.books
could be submitted to net.sf.books, net.books and not literary submissions
to net.sf.books only.

	Bill Ricker