[net.books] Sf or not Sf

gumby (04/20/83)

Somtow Sucharitkul won the Cambell award for best new writer at Denvention.
His "aquila" short story is currently up for best short story of the year.
He has published a number of shorts, both in his Aquila universe and in
his Mallworld universe.  The Mallworld stories were collected last year, but
sold out by the end of june and have not been reprinted (follisness on the
publisher's part, think I).  He's currently finishing a "mainstream/horror"
novel about a thirteen-year-old vampire.  It's pretty good, but has some
rather disgusting scenes (there's one in which he wakes up in a concentration
camp at the bottom of a heap of bodies).  The vampire is also a rock star.

All in all, a good writer.  He also throws great parties, if you happen to
go to cons or live in the DC area.


zz104bk (04/24/83)

I would also be interested in this author. I have never heard of him
before, and he sounds very interesting. 

Currently my favorite authors are Herbert,Clarke,Bradbury,Harrison..
you know, the main staples. I like to get down to the lesser known
authors though.

			 Brian Keves.