ttb@ihuxn.UUCP (Thomas T. Butler) (12/19/83)
-- I need help in locating new or used copies of three children's books and a jigsaw puzzle. They are: (1) Candill, Rebecca: "The Best Loved Doll" -- hardcover or paperback "Pocket Full of Cricket" -- hardcover (2) Provensen, Martin & Alice: "Our Friends at Maple Hill Farm" -- hardcover (3) Springbok puzzle -- 1000 pieces "Christmas Greetings" by Bob Schneeberg 1977 -- Hallmark (PZL5910) Thanks in advance for your replies. -- Tom Butler ..!ihnp4!ihuxn!ttb (312) 979-7999
wombat@uicsl.UUCP (12/21/83)
#R:ihuxn:-45700:uicsl:16700006:000:209 uicsl!wombat Dec 20 20:42:00 1983 As long as we're looking for old children's books, if anyone knows where to find any of the Boxcar Children books, by Gertrude C. Warner, in hardcover, let me know. Wombat ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsl!wombat