pp@CS-Arthur (Paul A Pritchard) (08/30/84)
I am a keen but relatively impecunious book collector newly arrived in Indiana. I would very much appreciate any information on book sales that are large enough to be of interest, not run by a collection of dealers, and in this general part of the US. For instance: A dealer/friend told me that there were enormous general sales in Evanston,Ill and somewhere in Ohio (Columbus, at the State fair?). I suspect there are substantial "Friends of the Library Sales" as well (like the very good one held annually in Ithaca, NY in October). I am happy to act as a clearing house for such information on sales in the US generally: I'll summarize all information I receive, and post reminders a little while before the events. Thanks. Paul Pritchard (pp@purdue)
wmartin@brl-tgr.ARPA (Will Martin ) (09/08/84)
Are the "book sales" referred to here something different than "book fairs", which are common here -- a charity organization solicits donations of books, raises a tent or uses a gymnasium, and sells books for a week or so, usually for 50 cents or less? Will Martin seismo!brl-bmd!wmartin or wmartin@almsa-1.ARPA