[net.books] feeding your young'uns

ellen@ucla-cs.UUCP (12/15/84)

here are some books i recommend on feeding infants; my daughter is now
4 years old, but i refreshed my memory by glancing through the books.
these are NOT in any particular order, but i will note which i especially

1.)   "Vegetarian Baby" by Sharon Yntema, paperback

	for real sensible ideas, this is THE BEST********
	nutrition is a hobby of mine.  i read from standard university text
	books through health-food-enthusiasts, tempering each with the other,
	so i'm not locked into a particular narrow slot.

	i took this out of the library, read it, then special ordered this
	book!  EXCELLENT, even if your NOT vegetarian. gets you out of the
	meat/chicken-&-carrot/beans/potatoes rut.

	i would say that this book has the most sensible nutritional advice  
	of any of the books i will mention. the chapters cover:
	the history of vegetarianism; basic nutrition; parents' health;
	diet and development from birth through 2 years; basic food
	preparation (different for vegetarians and for babies than for
	adults or non-vegetarians, since you can't just slap a steak on
	the grill, then whiz it in the blender for the kid); and recipes.
	finally there is an appendix which includes baby food book reviews,
	a truly EXCELLENT resource, and an extensive bibliography.

2.)   "No-Nonsense Nutrition for Your Baby's First Year"
	by Jo-Ann Heslin, Annette B. Natow, & Barbara C. Raven
	Bantam paperback.

	The authors are all nutritionists, if this means anything to you.
	it contains 12 chapters on various topics; everything is discussed
	in a question-and-answer form.  topics include:
	breast feeding vs. formula; when, how & why to introduce solids;
	how to prepare foods; recipes; commercial foods; travelling;
	vegetarian babies; vitamin-mineral supplements; eating & feeding
	problems; allergies & other medical disorders which affect eating;
	toddlers; general nutrition.

3.)   "Let's Have Healthy Children" by Adelle Davis, paperback

	the 1st part deals with proper nutrition BEFORE getting pregnant
	(both father & mother) and during pregnancy (mother only); the
	rest of the book, over half, deals with infants and children thru
	adolescence.  i realize that many people feel she was/is fanatic,
	but she deserves to be read in contrast with more traditional ideas
	(which extoll Jello as a great treat! with all those chemicals!
	(from my reading i gather that most artificial colors are questionable
	at best and dangerous at worst, but artificial flavors are relatively
	harmless, tho' i prefer to avoid these, too.))

	i followed her advice and was never morning-sick and was very healthy
	throughout my pregnancy in a 3rd world tropical country (i had friends
	send me the vitamins, as they were not available or available only at
 	exorbitant prices.  in my 8-&-1/2th month, i travelled around in
	very cramped public vehicles over semi-paved roads and had little

4.)   "Feed Me! I'm Yours!" by Vicki Lansky, paperback

	covers:  babies; finger-foods & teething helpers; toddlers; snacks;
	"pizza for breakfast?" - how to be creative or at least interesting
	& feed infants, tolddlers, & adults at the same time; seasonal
	specialties; birthday ideas ( 1 thru 5 yr.olds); kitchen crafts;
	"pot-pourri" - coping with misc. problems & questions, such as
	travelling, poisons, & quick food ideas.

	suggests many commecial foods and plenty with sugar - temper this
	book, which IS useful, with some HEALTH oriented books, too.