arndt@lymph.DEC (02/27/85)
I laughed till I cried when I read your posting that you weren't going to vote for me. For Library Trustee!!! Say, if you ever run into me please introduce yourself. Throw tomatoes, anything, but let me meet you. It's a great little town, eh?? Did you vote (sorry you don't vote do you - at least I'm getting you out to the poles - why not try to get informed about contests that really matter and make yourself heard.) on the new school issue? What do you think, do we need a zillion dollar school? Look my fellow townie, burning books is stupid because it never works. Only makes them popular, like banning movies, etc. I don't really want to burn books, I have better things to do with my time. I still don't want your vote. Why don't you join the ******* Liberation Front? We meet once a month and shoot off our guns and practice taking out sentries (best done with a pick-up truck at about 40mph!) and such. Always ready! That's our motto. If you can't tell when you chain is being yanked I'm sorry. Thanks again for making my day, Warm regards, Ken Arndt