[net.books] Richard Bach and Stepehn King the same??

bradley@im4u.UUCP (07/19/85)

I heard a rumor yesterday that Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull,
Illusions, etc.) and Stephen King (various horror books/movies) are really
two names for the same person.  Considering how different the books written
by these two authors (author?) are, this is a fairly incredible claim, yet 
the source of the rumor claims to have heard about it from several sources, 
including a well-respected weekly news magazine.  Can anybody confirm or 
deny this?


David K. Bradley  

Computer Science Department, The University of Texas at Austin
bradley@ut-sally.UUCP      {ihnp4,harvard,gatech,ctvax,seismo}!ut-sally!bradley

jsc@sun.uucp (James Carrington) (07/21/85)

In article <337@im4u.UUCP> bradley@im4u.UUCP (David K. Bradley) writes:
>I heard a rumor yesterday that Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull,
>Illusions, etc.) and Stephen King (various horror books/movies) are really
>two names for the same person.  Considering how different the books written

Not exactly right -- King has written a couple of books as Richard /Bachman\
haven't read any of them, but apparently they are pretty much the same fare
as his 'own' books -- horror/fantasy/etc.
James Carrington				SUN Microsystems
Associate Engineer				2550 Garcia Ave. MS1-40
Workstation Division				Mountain View CA 94043
Networking Department				415-960-7438