ewp (02/08/83)
Since when is it a Christian teaching that you must have a personal conversion to be a Christian? I have been a Christian all my life and didn't have to make a "conversion" because I was never something else. I may have known less when I was younger (hopefully I am still learning) and doubted or strayed at times, but that doesn't mean I was not a Christian. I think Rich Hammond is confusing being a Christian with belonging to his particular church. Alan Swann
cjh (02/09/83)
In reply to the articles submitted by Rich Hammond and Alan Swann, I think I see the begining of a misunderstanding due to semantics. At least to me, if the word coversion was changed to confession what Rich said in his article would be clearer. It is written in the Bible that Jesus says that a person must confess him if he is to confess you to the Father. (I'd give some actual quotes but I don't have a Bible with me). I am sure that many (most) Christians have been brought up in some sort of Christian home and as a result behave as a Christian out of habit. I was brought up in such a home and I can't remember ever not believing in Jesus. However, it was many (many) years before I actually confessed Him as my Lord and tried to live my life as He wills rather than just how I was brought up. It was at that time when I made that decision to follow Christ that I was converted (made my cofession) from one who was living a 'good' life to one who is living a life led by Jesus. I pray that what I have said is correct, but if you have any comments or corrections please let me know because I am still learning. Carl Hoffmann harpo!cjh
rah (02/09/83)
I agree with Carl J. Hoffmann that a confession (what I called a conversion) is required, since that is in fact one of the teachings of Jesus and by definition a Christian is a follower of Jesus's teachings. (Not a perfect follower, mind you) I think that we are having the same problem with "Christian" that existed with the term "gentleman" in english. The term is being used both to describe a particular manner of acting, as when I define a Christian, and also as a general term of approval, i.e. That was a Christian thing to do. Rich Hammond System going down, will continue later.