[net.religion] Can Judiasm be practiced today?

dyl (02/09/83)

I like to find out views on whether the Law of Moses can be practiced without
	- the tabernacle, ark of the covernant, ... etc,
	- high priest,
	- annual atoement through animal sacrifice.
Are some of these being or have already been reinstituted in Israel?

The Law of Moses requires all debts to be cancelled at the end of every
seven years (Deuteronomy 15).  Is this law and many others being observed?
Does it make any sense to observe only a subset of the Law?

dag (02/11/83)

An open letter to Dave Lee

Why must you force your interpretation of Biblical text (which we don't
view as the direct word of god) as justification for your interpretation
of Biblical text.  It is offesnsive to some of us.  If this were not a
flame, I'd recommend that future submissions on this be submitted rot[13].
I don't accuse Christianity of being guilty of any more attrocities than
any other religion, but don't shove it down our throats!  Remember, we've
been at this for many thousands of years.

					Daniel Glasser