donald (03/08/83)
*** flame on *** Concerning Larry West's contribution on biblical contradictions: Every once in a while one of the fundamentalists stands up and proclaims that the bible is free of contradictions and has stood the test of almost two millenia. One can hardly deny that, seeing as how loose their definition of "contradiction" is. The basic technique is to assume, a priori, that the bible is the TRUTH, and then interpret their way around anything that sounds fishy. This gives them a LOT of leeway, what with translations of translations, idioms and expressions varying in the past, and incomplete archeological knowledge. Always, there is the totally backwards notion that the bible is true, so they formulate their interpretations so as to keep it true. (or at least what they THINK is truth-- very important distinction). QUESTION: What criteria must a contradiction satisfy before you admit that it is a contradiction? Very important. If we can't agree on that we may as well stop talking. Are your a posteriori beliefs falsifiable? If not, they aren't very scientific. I've read Josh McDowell's book "Evidence that Demands a Verdict". It is the favorite book of fundamentalist apologists. It is also written at a level just slightly above that of "Chariots of the Gods". In fact I've read much Christian apologetic literature and I am appalled at the general lack of scholarship and science. I'm still waiting for a fundamentalist to give a good explanation of the two contradictory accounts of the death of Judas (the gospels vs. the Acts). By the way, no need to quote reams from the bible (as most usenet apologists are wont to do); a simple book&verse reference will do, as I own several quite servicable bibles and concordance. Larry shows his true colours when he calls for "contradictions" in evolutionary theory. He is obviously ignorant of it, but wants some ammo so he can defend the fundamentalist/creationist party line. It's attitudes like that that keep the pseudo-scientists at the Creation "Research" institute going. Well, there are plenty of books that fill your bill Larry (notably the books by Gish and Morris), but if you read 'em and believe them, then have I got a bridge for you... Try "Evolution-- the Fossils Say No!" by Duane Gish. If you liked Josh McDowell you'll love Gish. If you weren't Christian you might even like Velikovsky or Von Daniken. Take heed of your own interpretation of Proverbs 26:4. *** flame off *** Douglas Futyama recently wrote a book called "Science on Trial", which has an excellent description of evolutionary theory for laymen, and deftly stabs the creationist arguments to death. Highly recommended reading. It also gives one an appreciation of the importance of evolutionary theory in modern biology. Don Chan Post-Flame: Ever think that everything below the Mason-Dixon ought to be nuked? Might benefit both religion and science immensely.