[net.religion] Flat Earthers

mikec (03/15/83)

  The Flat Earth Society originated in England in 1849. It
is merely another Fundamentalist Christian Pseudo-Scientific
organization. There are many such obscurantist (anti-science)
groups around the world. Most of the Bible-Science groups
are located in the U.S. The distinguishing characteristics
of these groups are :

    Most require a pledge or statement of belief from any
  prospective members (NO scientific group or organization
  that I am aware of requires such a statement).

    All of these groups interpret the Bible in a more or less
  literal manner (Revealed Truth, historically accurate, etc).

    None of these GROUPS has published any work that has been
  accepted by the scientific community. Most never even submit
  papers to scientific journals since their "work" is intended
  to be distributed to "true believers" only (although, every
  now and then, a MEMBER of these sillies manages to publish
  something in a scientific journal and much laughter ensues).

    All of these groups try to use "science" to prove the Bible
  inerrant. These "proofs" generally follow one of two tactics.
  When science shows the Bible to be wrong (99.9 % of the time)
  then either science is wrong or the Bible is reinterpreted to
  "make" it inerrant (this does NOT exclude using both methods
  in combination).

    Most of these groups do not use ANY Scientific Methods. The
  small amount of science that they do use (accident ?) is VERY
  BAD science. The majority are involved in promoting their
  religious convictions with just plain pseudo (false) science.

  If anyone is interested, I can provide additional information
on several of these groups (like their oaths, history, etc). I
(and several others) collect pseudo-scientific literature as a
hobby (to learn their tactics and determine the fallacies of
their arguments). Several (many humorous) articles about some
of these groups are listed below.

  Scientific Creationism, Geocentricity, and the Flat Earth
    (the Bible is a flat earth book) by Robert Schadewald
              Skeptical Inquirer Vol. VI number 2.
              Note : This is what you heard about.

  Science and the Mountain Peak (Science and the Bible)
  by Isaac Asimov  Skeptical Inquirer Vol. V number 2.

  Science and Evolution in the Public Eye (anti-evolution
      propaganda and creationism) by Laurie Godfrey
              Skeptical Inquirer Vol. IV number 1.

  Almost any issue of Creation/Evolution  A journal that
  addresses that most miraculous example of an oxymoron
               * Scientific Creationism *

    Six "Flood" Arguments Creationists Can't Answer
    Creation/Evolution Issue IX.

    Arkeology : A New Science in Support of Creation ?
    Creation/Evolution Issue VI.

    Moon and Spencer and the Small Universe
    Creation/Evolution Issue IV.

    Equal Time for Flat-Earth Science
    Creation/Evolution Issue III.

  Recommended books on related topics :

    The Monkey Business  A Scientist looks at Creationism
    by Niles Eldredge  1982 Washington Square Press

    Abusing Science  The Case Against Creationism
    by Philip Kitcher  1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Micheal D. Cranford