ljw (03/24/83)
The "three days" Jesus speaks of were Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In Jewish custom (I am told), when one speaks of a number of days one includes the first and the last day in the number, even when the time involved on those days are just a couple of hours each, as in Jesus's case. By the way, we still have those type of people today. How many advertisements for "Eight-day cruises" have you seen that actually were eight twentyfour hour days instead of seven? My personal belief (not backed by any scripture, just my personal belief) is that Jesus was dead for fourty hours (3p.m. Friday to 7a.m. Sunday), as the number fourty, for some reason I haven't had time to study yet, seems to occur often in the Bible (40 years in the wilderness, 40 days of temptation, etc.). A cruise ship leaving at 3p.m. Friday and arriving back at 7 a.m. Sun- day would be called, by them, a three-day cruise. I wonder how many cruise ship owners are Jewish????